Created 13th March 2009 @ 11:34
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Hey guys, I tryed to find a autoreload script but couldnt find it, i honestly dont know anything about scripts so i can’t make mine and i didnt find one that was working for me, I searched on many site like fpsbanana but unfortunatly couldnt find one, so if any of u guys could share ur autoreload script or maybe some useful one that could help me :) would be really nice^^
Your best bet is to checkout the Aequitas logs of players on the ESL site. The majority of these will include all the legal scripts. <– I think (blocked at my work)
I would recommend downloading some configs from ESL EMS games for the stuff you are after.
if you want a normal reload script for the soldier so he reloading asap every weapons use this one:
bind “key_that_should_be_bound_for_script” “+attack;-attack;+reload”
dont forget to bind another key with -reload cuz you wont be able to shoot stickys if you use this scripts and the heavy wont be able to stop spinning his gun and the medic/sniper/scout will reload after every shoot (only one needle etc)
There you go:
//Set up the specific weapons so that they will change to auto-reload as required
alias "weapon1" "+reload; slot1; alias nextweap select21; alias prevweap select31; alias select1 weapon1; alias select2 select21; alias select3 select31;"
alias "weapon2" "-reload; slot2; alias nextweap select32; alias prevweap select12; alias select1 select12; alias select2 weapon2; alias select3 select32;"
alias "weapon3" "-reload; slot3; alias nextweap select13; alias prevweap select23; alias select1 select13; alias select2 select23; alias select3 weapon3;"
//Set up the previous weapon toggle
alias "select12" "weapon1; alias toggleweap select21"
alias "select13" "weapon1; alias toggleweap select31"
alias "select21" "weapon2; alias toggleweap select12"
alias "select23" "weapon2; alias toggleweap select32"
alias "select31" "weapon3; alias toggleweap select13"
alias "select32" "weapon3; alias toggleweap select23"
//Initialize script
bind "q" "toggleweap"
bind "1" "select1"
bind "2" "select2"
bind "3" "select3"
bind "MWHEELUP" "prevweap"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "nextweap"
Scout.cfg, Demoman.cfg & Engineer.cfg:
//Set up the specific weapons so that they will change to auto-reload as required
alias "weapon1" "+reload; slot1; alias nextweap select21; alias prevweap select31; alias select1 weapon1; alias select2 select21; alias select3 select31;"
alias "weapon2" "-reload; slot2; alias nextweap select32; alias prevweap select12; alias select1 select12; alias select2 weapon2; alias select3 select32;"
alias "weapon3" "-reload; slot3; alias nextweap select13; alias prevweap select23; alias select1 select13; alias select2 select23; alias select3 weapon3;"
//Initialize script
//Set up the specific weapons so that they will change to auto-reload as required
alias "weapon1" "+reload; slot1; alias nextweap select21; alias prevweap select31; alias select1 weapon1; alias select2 select21; alias select3 select31;"
alias "weapon2" "+reload; slot2; alias nextweap select32; alias prevweap select12; alias select1 select12; alias select2 weapon2; alias select3 select32;"
alias "weapon3" "-reload; slot3; alias nextweap select13; alias prevweap select23; alias select1 select13; alias select2 select23; alias select3 weapon3;"
//Initialize script
pyro.cfg & heavyweapons.cfg:
//Set up the specific weapons so that they will change to auto-reload as required
alias "weapon1" "-reload; slot1; alias nextweap select21; alias prevweap select31; alias select1 weapon1; alias select2 select21; alias select3 select31;"
alias "weapon2" "+reload; slot2; alias nextweap select32; alias prevweap select12; alias select1 select12; alias select2 weapon2; alias select3 select32;"
alias "weapon3" "-reload; slot3; alias nextweap select13; alias prevweap select23; alias select1 select13; alias select2 select23; alias select3 weapon3;"
//Initialize script
Medic.cfg, Sniper.cfg & Spy.cfg:
//Set up the specific weapons so that they will change to auto-reload as required
alias "weapon1" "-reload; slot1; alias nextweap select21; alias prevweap select31; alias select1 weapon1; alias select2 select21; alias select3 select31;"
alias "weapon2" "-reload; slot2; alias nextweap select32; alias prevweap select12; alias select1 select12; alias select2 weapon2; alias select3 select32;"
alias "weapon3" "-reload; slot3; alias nextweap select13; alias prevweap select23; alias select1 select13; alias select2 select23; alias select3 weapon3;"
//Initialize script
This script allows you specific autoreload for every class and weapon without the loss of normal weapon switching with mousewheel, lastinv (q per default) and 1,2,3(,4,5).
If you die while holding a non-primary weapon, the cycle script for the mousewheel will be a bit messed up (eg mwheeldown switches from rocketlauncher to shovel if you died with shotgun). Random weapon switching after spawning fixes that.
If you use the code for like written above for spy/engy, you cant switch to your build panel/disguise kit with mousewheel. If you still want to be able to switch to these items with mousewheel, you can instead write the following into your spy.cfg & engineer.cfg:
bind q lastinv
bind mwheelup invprev
bind mwheeldown invnext
bind mouse1 +attack
bind 1 slot1
bind 2 slot2
bind 3 slot3
You wont have any autoreloading for these 2 classes now. You can use the same for sniper & medic, too.
Autoreload screws up with the sticky launcher, so its disabled. You’ll have to manually reload your stickies.
If you play Scout with Fan from time to time, the script will autoreload after every shot with the fan. To avoid that, I have to additional binds in my autoexec.cfg:
//Fix for Fan - Scattergun
alias sca "exec scout.cfg"
alias fan "exec spy.cfg"
//Binds (Change to your preferences)
bind , sca
bind . fan
If you play with Scattergun, you press “,” before that. If you play with Fan, you press “.” before doing so.
Have fun with it.
lol way to make something simple very complicated
how about
bind 1 “slot1; +reload”
bind 2 “slot2; -reload”
bind 3 “slot3; -reload”
bind q “lastinv; -reload”
change according to class. sigh….
Yes but then Id have to switch with 1,2,3 to get autoreload, but Im used to switching weapons with mousewheel.
Also in your example q wouldnt work properly.
many thanks relentless , i was making my custom scripts for weapons’ reload crosshairs etc. and i had problems with the reload , your script works perfect :]
Ok, well that looks complete, but like i said im totally new to this, and kinda tired of reloading, even if its not that big of a job, but sometime i forgot to so… I just dont know what to do with what u gave me lol, maybe its all good, but its like chinese for me…. :P so if u can take the time again… yea :) to just tell me where to go and what to copy paste ^^ would be really appreciated thxxx :)
my scout reload script:
alias slot1reload “slot1;+reload”
alias slot2noreload “slot2;-reload”
alias doubleB “bind mouse4 slot2; bind mouse5 slot1; -reload;bind Q singleB”
alias singleB “bind mouse4 slot2noreload; bind mouse5 slot1reload; bind Q doubleB”
bind Q doubleB
bind mouse4 slot2noreload
bind mouse5 slot1reload
What some people consider impossible. a reloadscript for demo. IT WORKS FOR BOTH WEAPONS!!!
this reloadscript should also work for most other classes, and doesn’t force the use of 1 type of weaponswitch.
alias +reloadshot “-reload;+attack”
alias -reloadshot “-attack;wait 3;+reload”
bind mouse1 +reloadshot
(to use put “bind mouse1 +attack” in all class cfg’s you don’t want to use this with)
EDIT: fingerty, an explanation how to script and where to place the scripts; . if you can’t seem to make any sense of it add me to steam: jonnithejuiciest, i’ll make you a script and explain it to you :)
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