TF2 Smissmas Mecha Update
Created 20th December 2012 @ 10:08
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This is an awful update. Couldn’t they at least have bothered to balanced something before releasing more stuff?
Quoted from .
This is an awful update. Couldn’t they at least have bothered to balanced something before releasing more stuff?
Who cares about balance?
More hats and stranges and crates –> More money :))
New stuff seems fun.
edit: Vaccinator should be the only medigun allowed in 6v6.
Last edited by fraac,
Quoted from fraac
edit: Vaccinator should be the only medigun allowed in 6v6.
Normal medigun + Kritzkrieg + Vaccinator in S14 would be awesome. The Vaccinator would add more different tactics for gameplay and teamwork.
Quoted from fraac
New stuff seems fun.
edit: Vaccinator should be the only medigun allowed in 6v6.
Couldn’t get around to playing with them so far. How so? I’d love to know! I asked a friend about the medigun yesterday but he seemed mainly confused
Builds faster, you can have 4 mini ubers, and not immortal during uber but instead there’s a totally new skill element. People are saying it’s MOBA-like. Would totally change the metagame, I think to a more interesting one.
Played a pub with a pocket medic with a self made vaccinator today, gun seems good, possibly a decent addition to comp as you need brains to use it and switch it at the right times etc.
Quoted from Enef
Played a pub with a pocket medic with a self made vaccinator today, gun seems good, possibly a decent addition to comp as you need brains to use it and switch it at the right times etc.
More thinking!
Quoted from Enef
Played a pub with a pocket medic with a self made vaccinator today, gun seems good, possibly a decent addition to comp as you need brains to use it and switch it at the right times etc.
medic easy road to high divs no more with that weapon?
The new engy shotgun looks fun!
Uber hardcounters vaccinator at every moment unless you’re 4 divs above the enemy team
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