mixes for lft players (div5/div6) this friday
Created 11th December 2012 @ 11:28
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I’ve met lots of cool and talented players and it’s weird that some of them want teams but don’t have them, so let’s say this Friday at 20CET I’m going to hold a series of doublemixes specially for anyone of new/low ability looking for teams, to meet each other and maybe fall in love. Team leaders looking for players are also invited, just tell me that’s what you are.
Either post in this thread and I’ll msg you or join and ignore the annoying popups until Friday.
Nice initiative.
Or like one of those adoption parties they hold in the States which always sound so touching and sad and you just hope for happy endings.
It’s good though, I think at least a couple of teams have formed from the group already
oh please
If this is going to be like your mix group (aka full allday erryday) I wonder how this is going to be.
The IDK mix group is full every day, mine is full sometimes but starts at 8CET every day so if you turn up then you can play. Or just hang in mumble for a little while.
Last edited by fraac,
Okay, I’m going to try this again but doing it the other way around. Team leaders looking for (more than 1) players, and people who think they could run a team if only they had guys to boss around, can tell me when they available and we can cattle market the lft-ers. Have two so far. Signup below.
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