Is this a bad idea? (don't kill me pls)
Created 10th December 2012 @ 16:19
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If that can be done then why not just have the latest cast on a continual loop until the next one, adverts running as and when, revenue increased, total viewers increased, boom bang a rang, everyone’s a winner.
You could even have a little ‘R’ in the top corner to show it’s a replay and be all like proper tele and that, I want this to happen, would be awesome..
Last edited by Monkeh,
Quoted from BoneS
Why dont you run some sort of VanillaTV +1 just replaying the same game 1 hour later for the yanks and ritalin
this is probably the best solution. 22cet is just way too late.
Quoted from Darn
this is probably the best solution. 22cet is just way too late.
Honestly as someone in the GMT I always thought casts were too early, some start at 7pm here which Is about when I’m having dinner or arriving home
Quoted from numlocked
this wouldn’t give some of those with jobs/school the next day very much downtime before going to bed
Hi Ritalin
I think numlocked hit this nail on the head,
Unfortunately, games regularly don’t start on time so we would be looking at a 10:30 CET start time. 30 Minutes say for each match, plus the usual break / mucking around between maps would mean some games wouldn’t finish until 12 CET / 11pm GMT
For those that do have work (me included) & school that doesn’t really work due to the lack of sleep.
I don’t think would work either for our ‘bigger’ games due to the same reasons. This would be compounded by a 3rd map being thrown into the mix.
On a side note, not sure my neighbours would appreciate me speaking rather loudly / shouting at that time of night :)
From my point of view I appreciate your idea but I don’t think it would work for me personally. Obviously it’s not entirely up to me so I welcome more views.
Last edited by beta,
Quoted from BoneS
Why dont you run some sort of VanillaTV +1 just replaying the same game 1 hour later for the yanks and ritalin
I like the concept of this
Quoted from BoneS
Why dont you run some sort of VanillaTV +1 just replaying the same game 1 hour later for the yanks and ritalin
I actually looked into doing this and got it working for the most part. The problem is with how Twitch now handles Vods its catastrophically complicated and ffmpeg is very picky with XSplit vods.
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