Is this a bad idea? (don't kill me pls)
Created 10th December 2012 @ 16:19
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Potentially Stupid Idea #461:
I’d like to propose a new standard time for casted games. I think 22:15 cet would be optimal. Here’s why:
I’ve noticed that VanillaTV viewership spikes somewhere during the 2nd map of a scheduled match. This sort of snowball effect is common in audience numbers; people like to watch what lots of other people are already watching. But I’d like to suggest another reason for such a spike – people have finished playing their pcws/scrims and tune in to watch the end of a casted game.
Someone brought it to my attention that the focus of streams should be to attract people who don’t already regularly watch TF2, and I agree with that to some extent. But I feel there is no reason to exclude those who are playing the game during important casts. Plus, more viewers = more attractive to sponsors = potential growth, or am I mistaken?
I also think viewers from outside Europe would benefit from a slightly later time, in particular our NA friends. Although a small number of spectators from GMT+2 timezones might feel this time is too late for them, I think that overall we would benefit from the increase in numbers across the board.
Sometimes I miss the whole show, sometimes I only catch the end. Maybe it’s a selfish request, but I wanna see some videogames and I’m sure others do as well. I think this could boost viewer numbers significantly.
Teams and players from UTC+2/3 and with a job would struggle. A match would end at about 00.30/01.30 for them.
Teams would have to play aswell; a lot of teams have people who live in both +1 and +2, and starting a game at 22.15 results in playing past midnight
this wouldn’t give some of those with jobs/school the next day very much downtime before going to bed
How many gamers at a level to be casted actually go to bed at a reasonable hour anyway? I’m fairly sure there aren’t that many.
there is nobody from finland who would play at this time
IMO, yes, it’s a bad idea. Here’s why:
1) It’s midnight for me when the game starts.
2) Unlike some tf2 players I have a job so I need to wake up pretty early
3) The casting time atm is pretty optimal for me, usually atleast
I understand the concerns from GMT+2/3 spectators, I was just curious if that inconvenience would be worth a much greater viewer count.
I don’t know the answer
We cast the game when they happen, we don’t schedule them. I guess for super high profile matches it’s a good idea, but it’s up to the teams themselves really.
Last edited by Skyride,
I think it’s a good idea. There are only one or two casted games a week, inconvenience for a small number of people. I currently don’t get to see them while I’m playing. I can actually watch more ESEA than ETF2L.
Last edited by Reservoir Dog,
I like the idea Ritalin. But I liked Skyride’s idea alot better: to schedule premiership matches at least one week in advance. That way you can hype a match and get alot of viewers in the process and prem players don’t have to play at midnight :)
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