To the %*+&" owner of the bot in #tf.wars
Created 13th November 2012 @ 08:58
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parsec|bot> [03:51:02] antipsybncbug: nTraum|nTraumOFF: You are affected by the psybnc bug. This means your bnc keeps changing your nickname after you've gone offline (nTraum is now known as nTraumOFF;nTraumOFF is known as nTraum...). Therefore you've been banned. Please use a shorter offline nickname. /setawaynick . If you want to be unbanned please contact a chanop! Thank you and have a nice day.
* Cannot join #tf.wars (You are banned).
I want to tell you a few things:
* I am not using psyBNC.
* You are a retard for leaving the bot in the channel without being actually available.
* I am not sorry.
* Thank your for having a reason to not ever having to search for opponents again.
Thank your for your time.
Most of the #game.wars channels are run by some random guy who gets a massive E-penis boost from having +o in a large number of huge, active channels. Go to try and chase him up in some of the other ones.
I had that. Went away on its own after a while (a few days I think. Felt good not having to search for games :P).
1. you will get auto unbanned in few days
2. bot is run by a guy who has no idea what tf2 is so this is pointless
[13:52:53] * nTraum is now known as nTraumOFF
[13:52:58] * nTraumOFF is now known as nTraum
[13:54:27] * nTraum is now known as nTraumOFF
[13:55:56] * nTraumOFF is now known as nTraum
[14:26:36] * nTraum is now known as nTraumOFF
[14:26:53] * nTraumOFF is now known as nTraum
[14:28:17] * nTraum is now known as nTraumOFF
[14:33:41] * nTraumOFF is now known as nTraum
[14:36:44] * nTraum is now known as nTraumOFF
[14:36:59] * nTraumOFF is now known as nTraum
[14:37:54] * nTraum is now known as nTraumOFF
[14:38:04] * nTraumOFF is now known as nTraum
[14:38:37] * nTraum is now known as nTraumOFF
[14:40:07] * nTraumOFF is now known as nTraum
[14:46:11] * nTraum is now known as nTraumOFF
[14:46:37] * nTraumOFF is now known as nTraum
[15:45:06] * nTraum is now known as nTraumOFF
[15:48:07] * nTraumOFF is now known as nTraum
Sure you’re not behind a psyBNC bouncer? :D
Last edited by Arie,
How awful why does the corrupt TF2 community continue to let stuff like this happen :<
– Penny
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