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FAO the Vanillatv guys and etf2l admins

Created 10th October 2012 @ 17:50

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Watching casts of big games is great, listening to the cast whilst flying around in stv is even more great…except for the delay between the stream and the stv. Something awesome happens and is picked up by the cast…but not you, it’s too late as it’s already happened on stv.

Is it possible to have a separate relay set up for vanillatv casters to join that has a delay of say 80 or 85 seconds or so to get them more in sync whilst the rest of us watch in the 90 second delay relay?

Just an idea…


why can’t you just join the mumble…


Quoted from M24_

why can’t you just join the mumble…

its there for that reason



Well I’m normally in our mumble, sometimes even chatting about the game. But even then I was thinking of going the other direction on the delay so an amazing thing can happen and be called by the casters and then you can quickly find the person involved and boom…watch the epicness unfold.


depending on service, quality and even server congestion the delay can wary way more than 5sec so its a like shooting in dark when u select the delay… it might be on sync for some but some with bigger buffering time might be way off anyway



Quoted from Monkeh

Well I’m normally in our mumble, sometimes even chatting about the game. But even then I was thinking of going the other direction on the delay so an amazing thing can happen and be called by the casters and then you can quickly find the person involved and boom…watch the epicness unfold.

Well, the option is there to join the mumble and talk to your friends. You can make a channel there and get your friends in to talk about the game, or you can stay in your mumble and watch the cast. I don’t really like the idea that they’d need to set up another relay just for people that want to stay in their own mumble :P



Monkeh, you can load more than 1 copy of mumble at a time. If you change your mumble shortcut to have ” -m” in it at the as a launch option, it’ll let you load multiple instances.



Quoted from Skyride

Monkeh, you can load more than 1 copy of mumble at a time. If you change your mumble shortcut to have ” -m” in it at the as a launch option, it’ll let you load multiple instances.

Adam saves the day



Quoted from Skyride

Monkeh, you can load more than 1 copy of mumble at a time. If you change your mumble shortcut to have ” -m” in it at the as a launch option, it’ll let you load multiple instances.

I didn’t know this :D



Skyride is a blower…a MIND BLOWER!



Pretty sure it’s impossible anyway, the stv delay is set on the server and you can’t configure any extra delay on individual relays.


RaWr ::

A long time ago when ETF2L Radio was started (yes some will remember ;) ) we used to cast using Winamp. Via the Shoutcasting server Mole managed to introduce a 90 second via some settings, this managed to sync with stv almost perfectly.

Of course, times have changed and now that we are all more a custom to Mumble casting this requirement no longer exists as we have casted from STV for some time.

I appreciate your comment of talking to friends, me and Arx do this regularly when watching whatever. The simple fact is that it would very hard to accomodate and time consuming.

Last edited by beta,



So a big pile of hassle, possibly impossible, (if that is adequate Ingrish?) and very little in the way of people wanting it anyways…

Fair enough, fairy muff and fir e moof.

I shall struggle on with the lack of sync and damn well appreciate what I got.



Quoted from Monkeh

So a big pile of hassle, possibly impossible, (if that is adequate Ingrish?) and very little in the way of people wanting it anyways…

Fair enough, fairy muff and fir e moof.

I shall struggle on with the lack of sync and damn well appreciate what I got.

…or do what Skyride said.



Unless running multiple mumble programs causes a rupture in my pc’s space-time co-ordinates, this won’t allow me to achieve my desired “cast first-stv after” situation.

I will however be launching multiple mumbles and then joining as many as possible to sing to people as they play. This will be both desirable and horrendous in equal measure and shall cause hysterical confusion and removal of bladder control in the those that are exposed.

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