Worst config ever!
Created 7th October 2012 @ 13:16
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Hello there, so my friend has got a really terrible pc and he needs config which will really fuck up the graphics, could you pls upload me some ultramaxfps config for him?
Surprise, surprise.
Quoted from mhwk
Something ever worse than chris’ maxfps?
Replies implied there is no worse configs.
You could play around with driver settings, LOD stuff etc.
Just stick to the maxframes. Chris’s Max Frames (Read and uncomment shit)
Resolution: -w 640 -h 480 with fullscreen
When I flicked through AnAkins anti-hack client screenshots. I can confirm out of 200~ people, I had the worst tf2 quality
Quoted from Spike Himself
You could play around with driver settings, LOD stuff etc.
Doesn’t help FPS wise
Quoted from TurboTabs
These two links literally contain the most stupid and wrong “advice” I’ve ever heard
Actually physically laughed at some of the suggestions
Last edited by octochris,
Quoted from octochris
These two links literally contain the most stupid and wrong “advice” I’ve ever heard
Actually physically laughed at some of the suggestions
Haha I knew I should have put up a disclaimer in case Chris.
I had part 2 in my bookmarks and noticed it had a part one, had a quick glance at it and thought it wouldn’t hurt to put the link into my response.
Everyone should use these, as they only remove useless features.”
Quoted from Starkie
Everyone should use these, as they only remove useless features.”
doesnt work
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