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Vent your anger thread

Created 4th October 2012 @ 12:59

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i like apples



Racism sucks. So does hating an entire religion with no knowledge of its teachings.


Quoted from Monkeh

Racism sucks. So does hating an entire religion with no knowledge of its teachings.

I used to be angry but then I saw Monkeh back in ETF2L. I love you man you set up a stv relay for my official back in 2010 or something, got 50 viewers <3



Quoted from Setlet


I used to be angry but then I saw Monkeh back in ETF2L. I love you man you set up a stv relay for my official back in 2010 or something, got 50 viewers <3

Dammit! Don’t you just hate it when someone remembers you and says something nice. I hate that.

Oh wait. No I don’t.


sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

I was at the shop and wanted to buy a red bull and I used my spare change and ended up being 1 penny short and I asked if she could just take a penny from the charity thing or something but she said NO SIR YOU NEED TO PAY THE CORRECT amount so I ended up having to go to the bank next door to take out ten pounds and then I came back to buy the red bull with my ten pound note but then when I was buying it the cunt said she needed to see some ID for RED BULL FOR FUCKS SAKE, I mean I have young looks but i’m 19 and there isn’t even a law against children buying red bull she was only doing it to annoy me so I had to show her some ID and everyone in the shop was looking and laughing at the kid needed to show id for a fucking red bull seriously fuck that miserable cunt.

Also I hate people who call me racist without even hearing me out i’m not racist I just don’t like a certain religion (Islam) http://pastebin.com/cmz9duCG

Last edited by sheepy dog's hand,


Can’t believe mike fucking voted for brexit



Quoted from sheepy dog's hand

I was at the shop and wanted to buy a red bull and I used my spare change and ended up being 1 penny short and I asked if she could just take a penny from the charity thing or something but she said NO SIR YOU NEED TO PAY THE CORRECT amount so I ended up having to go to the bank next door to take out ten pounds and then I came back to buy the red bull with my ten pound note but then when I was buying it the cunt said she needed to see some ID for RED BULL FOR FUCKS SAKE, I mean I have young looks but i’m 19 and there isn’t even a law against children buying red bull she was only doing it to annoy me so I had to show her some ID and everyone in the shop was looking and laughing at the kid needed to show id for a fucking red bull seriously fuck that miserable cunt.

Also I hate people who call me racist without even hearing me out i’m not racist I just don’t like a certain religion (Islam) http://pastebin.com/cmz9duCG

You posted that completely unsolicited conversation where you talk about not wanting people from certain countries into ‘your country’ as evidence of not being racist! We got a sharp one here boys. I like how you edited in the ‘harsh’ part when describing those evil Muslims you don’t want coming to your country and being all doctors and stuff as well. Classy.

Standing by my statement. You’re a fuck headed retard.

God luck and have fun.

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Quoted from Monkeh


You talk about not wanting people from certain countries into ‘your country’ as evidence of not being racist! We got a sharp one here boys. I like how you edited in the ‘harsh’ part when describing those evil Muslims you don’t want coming to your country and being all doctors and stuff as well. Classy.

Standing by my statement. You’re a fuck headed retard.

God luck and have fun.

You are a fucking idiot mate seriously I have never seen someone so ignorant of the outside world. Why on earth would you want someone born in places Syria like or Afghanistan (very poor countries) who have been brought up with misogynist and homophobic values who have no education into our countries. sure there are a few who can contribute to our society but the majority can’t because they come from 3rd world barbaric countries. I’m to drunk to deal with “muh racist” heroes like you right now but how about you try to let these nice people born and raised in afghanistan who were brought up with strict Muslim values into your home to give them shelter so they can anally rape your mother because she isn’t wearing a burka. It’s not just the extremists, it’s those who believe in sharia law that are the problem and believe me there are a lot of them. Go ahead and call me racist but i’m sorry for not wanting to live in a country where people throw stones at me for fucking men just like what is happening in sweden right now.

How about you all watch something to educate yourself on how big a problem Islam is right now by watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSPvnFDDQHk

Now how about you watch this to understand why i don’t want Muslim refugees from certain countries coming into Scotland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42jpuXJPk0w

Islam is cancer.

On the thread topic of venting your anger I am angry about having trouble staying erect and ejaculating can anyone help.


(League Admin)

Quoted from sheepy dog's hand

[…]On the thread topic of venting your anger I am angry about having trouble staying erect and ejaculating can anyone help.

You can try replying to one of those spam emails offering you cheap viagra and other drugs.


Playing around a hacker and abandoning if you can’t even with that. smh PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen. -_-



Quoted from sheepy dog's hand


You are a fucking idiot mate seriously I have never seen someone so ignorant of the outside world. Why on earth would you want someone born in places Syria like or Afghanistan (very poor countries) who have been brought up with misogynist and homophobic values who have no education into our countries. sure there are a few who can contribute to our society but the majority can’t because they come from 3rd world barbaric countries. I’m to drunk to deal with “muh racist” heroes like you right now but how about you try to let these nice people born and raised in afghanistan who were brought up with strict Muslim values into your home to give them shelter so they can anally rape your mother because she isn’t wearing a burka. It’s not just the extremists, it’s those who believe in sharia law that are the problem and believe me there are a lot of them. Go ahead and call me racist but i’m sorry for not wanting to live in a country where people throw stones at me for fucking men just like what is happening in sweden right now.

How about you all watch something to educate yourself on how big a problem Islam is right now by watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSPvnFDDQHk

Now how about you watch this to understand why i don’t want Muslim refugees from certain countries coming into Scotland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42jpuXJPk0w

Islam is cancer.

On the thread topic of venting your anger I am angry about having trouble staying erect and ejaculating can anyone help.

If you had said you don’t want radical Muslims entering our country and practicing sharia law then I would have agreed with you. What you actually said, edited pastebin accounts not withstanding, was that you didn’t want any Muslims from Syria, Afghanistan or certain places in North Africa coming to Britain. These are very different statements.

Of course I don’t want radicals from any denomination entering our country and of course I don’t want barbaric practices to be allowed but to blanket everyone from one religion is unbelievably idiotic.

Because the IRA, (all Christians), came to mainland Britain for a few decades and bombed thousands of innocent men, women and children to death, I think we should never allow any Irish Christians into mainland Britain.

Do you see how stupid that way of thinking is? Can’t you understand that it’s radicalism that’s evil and not the religion itself? You’re too young to remember the terror of IRA bombings but it happened in my home town when I was about 15 years old. 2 school kids dead because Christians decided to place two bombs in a busy town centre and detonate them on a Saturday afternoon.

Please continue your crusade against radicalism and the barbaric practices of some aspects of Sharia law but never assume guilt by association. Thats a disgusting way of thinking.

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Quoted from Monkeh


If you had said you don’t want radical Muslims entering our country and practicing sharia law then I would have agreed with you. What you actually said, edited pastebin accounts not withstanding, was that you didn’t want any Muslims from Syria, Afghanistan or certain places in North Africa coming to Britain. These are very different statements.

OK mate listen you don’t seem to know much about what people who live in countries like Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq actually believe in. Let me explain,

Around 99% of people living in Afghanistan are Muslim. Around 99% of all Muslims in Afghanistan believe that sharia law should be the law of the land, so if they come to the UK they will want act upon those laws instead of our own.

Lets see what those laws are that they will act on:

81% of those living in Afghanistan favored corporal punishment for crimes like theft;
79% favored a death penalty for leaving Islam
42% think suicide bombing justified in the defense of Islam.
37% believe it is “often justified” to kill a woman for dishonoring her family.
and 96% believe converting others to Islam is a religious duty.

This isn’t only for Afghanistan: Syria, Iraq, Niger all have 90% of the population believing in sharia law. so can you now see why I wouldn’t want these people coming into a liberal christian country like Scotland?

And people are upset Trump wants to ban people from these countries from entering his own. You obviously didn’t even watch the videos I linked. If you let people who were born and raised in a country like Afghanistan into your first world country with completely different laws there is gonna be problems.

If you want sources:


Even politifact who despise Trump and say he is wrong about everything just because they hate him agree with this


Silver Tosspot


Quoted from sheepy dog's hand

Go ahead and call me racist but i’m sorry for not wanting to live in a country where people throw stones at me for fucking men just like what is happening in sweden right now.

my mom is being raped anally every day please send help sheepy is the only one who understands the real world



Have you watched the videos you linked? First video. 2 minutes in.

‘This is not a conversation about Islam. It’s a conversation about the rise of radical Islam…’

So much self own.

Anyway, I’m out. Enjoy your bigotry and hatred.

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