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Community review of Game Servers and Server Providers.

Created 16th September 2012 @ 15:33

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Because there doesn’t seem to be much info around on server providers, and whoever I ask generally just recommends who they’re using and doesn’t know about any other providers it’s time to get a little database of reviews going.

Anyone who has owned, or owns a server you can help by giving a little review of your server by rating (out of 5) and commenting on the following aspects:

Server quality – What are players connections generally like? Any lag? Is the hit registration good? Are EU pings generally ok? Anything else you can think of.

Ease of use – Is it easy to install mods? Any problems when uploading / downloading files? Any other problems / something especially good? Anything else you can think of.

Customer support – Is there usally someone around to help? Multiple contact methods (telephone, email, IM) and are they quick to respond? Do they sort out your roblems? Anything else you can think of.

Value for money – speaks for itself really.

Server Provider: GenericServerProvider – 500fps 14 slot TF2.
Server quality: 2/5 – Hit reg bad, rates aren’t stable, lag spikes often.
Ease of use: 4/5 – Easy to install source mods, file transfers fast and stable.
Customer support: 3/5 – Not always someone around to help but when there is my problems get sorted.
Value for money: 4/5 – Only £7 a month for 14 slots, but quality not good.

Cool, lets go!



Low price usually means quite bad quality. High price doesn’t always mean good quality. If you got the dosh, go for CKRAS. If not, hiperz (been lagging a bit lately tho, need to contact them about that). Multiplay is worst case scenario.



CKRAS, ~20€/14Slots

5/5 all of it. The setup (what options you’ll buy) is a bit cryptic, but if you dont rush it and read properly, no issues. Sometimes a bit shitty routing towards barely-European countries.

live IRC support during weekdays and I wrote an email once sometime late night and got a replay within half an hour.



Server Provider: GameServer.org
Server quality: 5/5 – stable ping, no lag, no spikes, u can test it –
(58ms from bulgaria; 20ms from germany; 60ms from latvia; 25ms from denmark; 70ms from russia; 33ms from switzerland)
Ease of use: 5/5 – full ftp access 24/7
Customer support: 3/5 – Not always someone around to help but when there is problems get sorted asap.
Value for money: 4/5 – 21,76 € for 20slots per month, but only located in germany, frankfurt

another minus is that its german provider and the control panel is on german and also the admins are not speaking english :D..

Last edited by LaMqTa,



Server Provider: Multiplay 13 slot TF2.
Server quality: 3/5 – Didn’t really notice anything bad about the quality, ping is pretty good as well, but some people see Multiplay in the server title and get panicked for some reason, and some people say other servers are of a better quality but I personally don’t notice the difference except for the worse servers. Server is not 100% up, it went down a few times and sometimes for a day or so.
Ease of use: 5/5 – Clanforge is amazing for everything and is a very noob-proof, installing mods automatically installs the dependable mods.
Customer support: 5/5 – Technical support 24/7 through chat box, can submit tickets but I don’t get any answers on weekends.
Value for money: 4/5 – Cheapest around I guess with the 20% with voucher code etf2lftw, 6.6eu per month with a free mumble.


In short, Multiplay, Hiperz and ArtOfWarCentral are totally shit.


Quoted from Koala

In short, Multiplay, Hiperz and ArtOfWarCentral are totally shit.

It would be nice if more server owners reviewed their servers so we could better understand why they’re shit and why others a better. This thread is intended for long reviews, not short opinions.

Also bump :D



Server hosting is a terrible business. Unless you have like 100+ customers, it’s a lot of effort for very little money. Right now I make more money working just saturday’s at this computer shop from 10am-4pm than I would ever make without charging crazy money for game servers. It’s because you’re all incredibly cheap.

So here’s an overview of the outlay required. First you’ll need dedicated server(s) to run your actual game servers on. If you want great amazing high quality servers, you’ll want to run about 8 on a high end quad core (TF2 server isn’t multi-threaded), so 2 per core. You can get servers super cheap, but not necessarily in places that will get good routing/pings. For example Kimsufi do a server for about £45/month which is an i5 w/ 16GB RAM and wayyyy more bandwidth than you’d ever use. On top of that you need an admin panel, that decent ones are typically around $15/month PER DEDICATED SERVER. So you’re now paying about £55-60/month for your actual servers. Hetzner do a slightly higher end machine that you can get away with running 12 servers at a push for £45/month too, but it’s DE and doesn’t have great routing to anyone who isn’t from Germany or Eastern Europe. If you want good servers, you need NL. There are really only 2 budget NL dedi providers, Leaseweb (who I used for Pixel Gaming and would totally recommend), or Worldstream (also great but a little less customisable). I know i3d exists, they’re using antiquated hardware, they’re a super shady company, and their routing isn’t great anyway.

I just quickly specced up a good quad core server from Leaseweb with 8GB RAM and 1000GB/month (which isn’t a lot in the world of servers but plenty for the purposes of running game servers). 116euro/month + 50 euro set up fee because it’s custom built. That’s about £95/month + admin panel so £110/month. Worldstream might have something better and leaseweb might have something a little more appropriate pre-built, but there’s not going to be more than £15-25 of a difference.

Take into account also that paypal (since you’re not going to be able to afford to use anything else) takes a 5% cut of any payments you receive.

So let’s go back to that. I’d say £14/month is a pretty reasonable ask for a 20 slot highlander server w/ STV and fast map download. So you could run 8 servers of those at solid amazing quality.

14 * 8 = 112.

I’m pulling a cool £2/month profit off that dedicated server. For the effort of providing support, maintaing a website an admin panel, and the constant stress 24/7 in my life that stuff might be going wrong.

Now let’s say I give you not great routing and run 12 servers with that hetzner box. 14 * 8 – 60 = £108/month. Right now it’s maybe worth doing!

Let’s say i want to compete with CKRAS (who’re probably using good hardware like I said above), and charge £20/month. 20 * 8 = 160. So 160 – £110 = £50/month. Meh.

Sure if you’re a company like Multiplay you can cut your costs by buying higher end hardware that can run more servers and get deals with data centers, but joe server company can’t do that.

That’s why nobody offers solid servers anymore.

If I had like 8-16 people who said they would 100% be happy to pay like £16/month or something sure I’d do it, but as it stands it’s just not worth the effort.

tldr: Good Routing/pings, Never Laggy, cheap. Pick two

Last edited by Skyride,


wow, thanks for that post skyride really informative


gps servers, paying 5quid/month, using kimsufi boxes (ovh network) so its mostly great ping for anyone… lags? had some at start but after complain they moved it to server that isnt overloaded so yeah… 5/5 if u can get any server for promo price like that, i can’t see whats the point of paying 15quid for server like hiperz that is hosted on same network with same performance

there was a guy like month ago who also provided kimsufi boxes for like 5-6 quid/month, as long as they aint overcrowded its much better than using anything like hiperz or other overpriced servers that come with same problems (lags, pings, etc)

ofc if u got just a little more money, say 15-20$/month you can just rent a dedi together with someone, use shell access (dunno why would u need admin panel) and have much better performance/reliability than any pro game server provider out there

Last edited by AnimaL,

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