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Pennyfarming the community and my blog

Created 12th September 2012 @ 22:17

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Quoted from Moosetorpedo

mad that he’s not zen and also not in nervous energy

nobody even knows where dutchland is

Wow no u


Quoted from Tommy Testosterone

why the fuck is this awful circle jerk still going on?

I agree but it seems everyone likes to cirkle jerk about me and zen



just about zen. you’re making yourself sound way too important.

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

What do you get if you mix a sheep with a Kangaroo?

A woolly Jumper!



I read your rant about high sensitivities Penny, and frankly I am disgruntled

It’s widely accepted that low sens is better on scout, for tracking etc and I won’t comment on that because I’m an atrocious scout. But high sens can work on soldier, bro. I use 8cm/360 and I’m inactive in a div1 team. So nuts to you

I’d play you but my inactivity has converted my dm to 100% concentrated aids so maybe once I stop drinking after freshers week, I’ll work my mge up again and we can battle it out. Waddya say?


Quoted from Sylosin

I read your rant about high sensitivities Penny, and frankly I am disgruntled

It’s widely accepted that low sens is better on scout, for tracking etc and I won’t comment on that because I’m an atrocious scout. But high sens can work on soldier, bro. I use 8cm/360 and I’m inactive in a div1 team. So nuts to you

I’d play you but my inactivity has converted my dm to 100% concentrated aids so maybe once I stop drinking after freshers week, I’ll work my mge up again and we can battle it out. Waddya say?

Sorry I was writing it from a scout perspective, anything around 10cm/360 is fine for a solly and of course sens technically is at the end of the day a matter of preferance.

But yeah any time id be up for a friendly game of MGE.





the worst thread i’ve ever wasted time glancing over in my life. and as for the profile by god you sound like you’re a 12year old retard, with the capabilities and common sense of a doormat.





so i got a demo (yeah, i record tf2lobbies!). should be better than a chatlog lold

dunno why i still write omg. /ignore

Last edited by schocky,


Quoted from h1

the worst thread i’ve ever wasted time glancing over in my life. and as for the profile by god you sound like you’re a 12year old retard, with the capabilities and common sense of a doormat.



Wow someone is getting angry, but like I always say “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” :)))))))


Quoted from schocky

so i got a demo (yeah, i record tf2lobbies!). should be better than a chatlog lold

dunno why i still write omg. /ignore

Lol still waiting for that evidence, I have chat logs you have nothing





are you retarded or just have down syndrome

Last edited by alfa,



Her name is Penelope Samantha Farming, she lives in England, go ahead and look her up ;)


Quoted from alfa

are you retarded or just have down syndrome

I am rubber you are glue what you say bounces off me and sticks to you :)))))

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