High level roamer povs/demos?
Created 12th September 2012 @ 16:59
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anyone know any good places to find some roamer povs or demos, or is any high level solly willing to let me have some demos to watch.
Trying my best to improve roamer best i can at the moment :)
If you have a place to upload, guess I could send you some POVs. Not necessary that highlevel but you can watch them and see what not to do.
Quoted from Darn
If you have a place to upload, guess I could send you some POVs. Not necessary that highlevel but you can watch them and see what not to do.
Generally any high leveled player uploading his demos here
would be appreciated alot.
pov of me in the process final tonight, some offclassing aswell, heavy+ soldier shizzle
here it is on vanilla, help yourself
Last edited by IPZIE,
Quoted from Darn
If you have a place to upload, guess I could send you some POVs. Not necessary that highlevel but you can watch them and see what not to do.
Mostly what not to do ^^
Quoted from IPZIE
pov of me in the process final tonight, some offclassing aswell, heavy+ soldier shizzle
edit: uploading to vanilla right now
Thx, will be helpfull
Hi Rob! ;)
Thank’s for the demo guys.
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