Is there a way to replace orig weapon sounds?
Created 9th September 2012 @ 23:03
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I’m looking for a way to replace the sound that the original makes with the sound of the normal RL. It is much easier to guess the exact location of a soldier that is using the normal RL, especially when he is bombing in.
Quoted from Koeitje
I’m looking for a way to replace the sound that the original makes with the sound of the normal RL. It is much easier to guess the exact location of a soldier that is using the normal RL, especially when he is bombing in.
Get GCFScape, shut down Steam, run the program, open the team fortress 2 materials.gcf file, search for the tf/sound/weapons/rocket_*.wav files, extract them, rename:
rocket_reload.wav – ? this shouldn’t require any change iirc.
rocket_shoot.wav – quake_rpg_fire_remastered.wav
rocket_shoot_crit.wav – quake_rpg_fire_remastered_crit.wav
and move them to your tf/sound/weapons folder (create if none exist). As this is a file replacement, it’s not gonna work on pure servers. At least it’s not supposed to – you might want to try preloading them on a listen server.
Transparent textures would be nice too.
Last edited by envy,
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