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My opinion on how the European scene could go forward

Created 27th August 2012 @ 05:17

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The atmosphere for aspiring div3 (and maybe div4) players isn’t exactly inviting Mr. AnimaL. The few games I did play felt like the majority would’ve preferred someone they knew.



Quoted from AnimaL

[…]stop beeing moron and blaming prem when there isnt any d2-3 players in pixel

Why automatically presume people mean Prem by “higher level”? It’s all relative, as long as its anything above what you currently play its helpful to the individual to get advice and support. That’s why i help out a lot of players in div 5/6 and give them advice, I’ve played the game or four years and slowly made my way to where i am now, they appreciate it and stick at the game because they admire people above them, now all it needs is for everyone that is even one div higher than someone else to offer help, add to pickups, ask to mix even just offer advice to someone they see that might need the help and the community gets better.

Everyone needs to stop acting like being good at a video game makes you untouchable and unreachable, there is always going to be someone better than you, eventually.

No one is asking any higher division player to devote every second of their invaluable time to mentoring a player or a team, all that people want is for you to help a little bit when you see someone in MGE or pub or a mix, ask someone a division lower or two to mix if you need a 6th.

The reason the NA scene is better is that they give a fuck about their scene. The EU scene is just a lot of people talking shit about each other and not really actively doing anything(hey look, i’m contributing to this too!).

tl;dr: Just help each other and we all get better at video games together. Play the game to have fun. I’m blaming EVERYONE.

Last edited by Enef,


nNT ≠

nvm Animal + rts, I messed so much the things and don’t have objective point of view, my bad.

Quoted from Enef


Why automatically presume people mean Prem by “higher level”? It’s all relative, as long as its anything above what you currently play its helpful to the individual to get advice and support. That’s why i help out a lot

This is what I tried to say.

Last edited by Squirry,


long time ago there was mpuk1 and mpuk2 and both were working fine and people played a lot of pickups on both. you had many higher level players in mpuk1 and it was easier to get into mpuk2 (basic understanding of the game + communication)

now there isn’t a proper pickupchannel anymore so I keep on playing with the same people over and over again

Quoted from .

Maybe it’s because of unlocks and match cfg…Unlocks, such as gunboats etc give you variety of options how to strike your enemy down and make the game more active and fun.
And cfg cause the format forces you to play more aggro to win and beat the enemy team.

Or maybe it’s simply because they want to be playing aggressive.



we could stop going house on badlands for a start

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

Quoted from .

I didnt watch the finals or anything but I heard that american players played really really aggressivly compare to EU players…

If there’s one bit of i46 that stands out as proof of this, it was when Epsilon lost the golden cap on Snakewater in the upper bracket semi final. They chose to hold 2nd instead of pushing and Mackey came in as spy and forced F2’s uber. They were then pushed straight back to last and lost it.


Quoted from Enef


Why automatically presume people mean Prem by “higher level”?

you did say top level not higher level, its kinda different deal, bcs the top level – top prem teams, have insane skill difference to anyone, even the guys who won d1 last season.. why that matters? bcs nobody, literally nobody but the players from that div will know anyone who pld in those d1 teams last season

btw some time ago i think someone did also post about “mentoring” in pixel and how they got ignored/shit talked back to when the prem players did want to help newbies out :D

but anyway yes, you are right, helping a player out is great thing, if only that would be the only thing why pixel sucks

Last edited by AnimaL,



Quoted from Russian Guyovich


If there’s one bit of i46 that stands out as proof of this, it was when Epsilon lost the golden cap on Snakewater in the upper bracket semi final. They chose to hold 2nd instead of pushing and Mackey came in as spy and forced F2’s uber. They were then pushed straight back to last and lost it.

Idk man one moment I noticed was that every single time they got shade they left F2 completely open for mackey to force/kill him.



Quoted from Russian Guyovich


If there’s one bit of i46 that stands out as proof of this, it was when Epsilon lost the golden cap on Snakewater in the upper bracket semi final. They chose to hold 2nd instead of pushing and Mackey came in as spy and forced F2’s uber. They were then pushed straight back to last and lost it.

Pushing 6v6 uber vs uber in a deciding round is dumb, and when mackey forced F2 it was F2’s fault, he could have held it without a risk of dropping. but I guess the pressure got to him

Another problem with Pixel pickups is that … No one takes it serious. The somewhat high div players (<4) generally see it as advanced TF2 lobby. They generally off class into classes they totally can't play and then keep goofing around. Not to mention that any sort of game instantly turn into the div5-6 mindset of "I must kill the med and then all is forgiven". Any sort of concept of keeping your med alive, or tactics in general, seem to go out the window after a minute or 2. This all quickly leads to the fact that the general skilllevel (even with high div players) quickly falls down to div 5-6 level. The matches that are won are mostly won with DM.

From all my time playing PPickups, only Rinta and TheSucker stood out. Everyone else was bland and pretty much only there to play TF2 Lobby 2.0.


Ironic how the tf2 community in europe kind of resemble the government of USA. There’s always discussion going on, everyone is always arguing with somebody, but no real progress is ever made and the people (players) suffer because of it.



Pointless to blame the higher skill players it about time,

when i have offered to mentor i get a lot of requests and i have tried to help as many as i can but it becomes expected that i will be there every night to help out which isnt really what i can do. Most the players have jobs and other things to do.

I still love TF2 for some stupid reason and look to help the game grow and again will try and mentor when possible but instead look at perhaps having a team gather outside of games and go over an stv so i can explain what is wrong or go over maps.

I tried to put out video’s reviewing demo’s and half of them get so much crap talked about how i am wrong in what ever i say i mearly say what i see so it doesnt really inspire me to do more when people are just gonna continue to hide behind the pc and sling poop!

The thing that stuck out for me in NA is when TLR stole the trophy all the drama the EU made of it wow TLR lololol. Yet the Americans have forgot all about it and there is just more respect to each other up and down the divisions they dont look down at people. I watched one stream of a player at i46 wont say who but all i heard on comms was “lets beat this shit team so we can sleep” and the respect to them was awful. You had 200 people watching you and you cant even keep it a little respectful? If this team watched it back how would they feel?

Prob get slammed as usually do on these forums rather than talk about issues and work to them it kinda goes into sling the poop insult each other. At lan people are nicer on forums they like to be the big man.


Quoted from Fish

I watched one stream of a player at i46 wont say who but all i heard on comms was “lets beat this shit team so we can sleep” and the respect to them was awful.

Now you have to say who’s that guy! Comon!


uhh, americans and respect in same sentence fish? I’m really clueless where u got that from, other than pyyyor beeing gentleman and that they dont give a *** about tlr and his trophy anymore.

Last edited by AnimaL,

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