My opinion on how the European scene could go forward
Created 27th August 2012 @ 05:17
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Dude MGE is so much more fun
and plus what is better practice shooting sollys in the back of the head on DM, orrrrr shooting scouts in MGE.
Cus lets be fair right hiting 70% on scouts in MGE is much beter practice than playing versus div 6 sollys with x bawk huge hitboxes in DM.
Plus in MGE you get rating and that like corolates to certain divs, like 2000 rating is prem, div1 is 1900, div 2 is 1800, div 3 is 1700, div 4 is 1600, div 5 is 1500 and div 6 is 1400 and below. Im 2000+ btw pick me up prem im waiting.
But anyway that is why MGE is better.
Quoted from Pennyfarming
Dude MGE is so much more fun
and plus what is better practice shooting sollys in the back of the head on DM, orrrrr shooting scouts in MGE.
Cus lets be fair right hiting 70% on scouts in MGE is much beter practice than playing versus div 6 sollys with x bawk huge hitboxes in DM.
Plus in MGE you get rating and that like corolates to certain divs, like 2000 rating is prem, div1 is 1900, div 2 is 1800, div 3 is 1700, div 4 is 1600, div 5 is 1500 and div 6 is 1400 and below. Im 2000+ btw pick me up prem im waiting.
But anyway that is why MGE is better.
Quoted from freshmeatt
Quoted from freshmeatt
Cus bad at MGE
Quoted from Pennyfarming
Dude MGE is so much more fun
and plus what is better practice shooting sollys in the back of the head on DM, orrrrr shooting scouts in MGE.
Cus lets be fair right hiting 70% on scouts in MGE is much beter practice than playing versus div 6 sollys with x bawk huge hitboxes in DM.
Plus in MGE you get rating and that like corolates to certain divs, like 2000 rating is prem, div1 is 1900, div 2 is 1800, div 3 is 1700, div 4 is 1600, div 5 is 1500 and div 6 is 1400 and below. Im 2000+ btw pick me up prem im waiting.
But anyway that is why MGE is better.
but in the dm server i play in we get rated so that means i can see my score compared to others and that means that i know how good i am
also in mge you only have one opponent and you can always keep track of them but in dm you need to use gamesense to predict where the enemies are and fight them
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