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My opinion on how the European scene could go forward

Created 27th August 2012 @ 05:17

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Quoted from Skyride

Also, bear in mind that as bassically the sole remaining active VanillaTF2 admin and owner/main admin of Pixel Pickup, VanillaPickup would just be a case of moving my bot to a new channel on IRC and clearing the database.

I think this could do wonders merging pixel pickup with VanillaTF2. Especially with links from ETF2L and VanillaTF2 as I’ve said earlier.

I’d be happy to help admin, and even donate some money for servers if needed. Could perhaps look for a sponsor for servers?

Quoted from Skyride

well done to 95% silent majority who decided to just go play TF2 instead of complaining.

I’m not complaining, just putting forward ideas.


We need DE servers for the pickups!


(Legendary Ratehacks)

we need people that care about the game and actually enjoy playing it



Quoted from smziii

we need people that care about the game and actually enjoy playing it

Pretty much this tbh


The sad thing is, is that all the great suggestions in this thread will probably amount to nothing.

I challenge the people who can actually make a difference to exercise their power and make something happen. This thread shows what is possible… it just needs to happen.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Byte needs to stop banning Koeitje every time he goes Engi :(



Anyone else think that discussing on forums isn’t really going to help getting us better? Play the game. Get better. My old gits perception of this lan is that the americans were better becouse they actually cared more. Whine all you want but these guys were stacking 2 chairs on eachother even defying multiplay bureaucrats pushing a health & safety procedure.

being prepared counts for a lot. these guys were being intervieuwed by extv from the minute they walked in. They weren’t very sociable, they were focussed. And they had an individual fronting 20k behind them to win this lan (thanks sal! plx get some contributions in to his cause as what he did was awesome).

I am sure there are a lot of reasons to be thought up why euro tf2 is inferior. The main reason though is the americans were fucking professional and they were focussed not to disappoint all the people that contributed towards them getting there. It meant they got out of their way to win whereas the euros just turned up an played. Subtle difference, but all the differnce.

I don’t think eu players are anymore good or bad, but I do think it matters if you got thousands of people chucking their money at you to send you to lan. Aside from anything else I think that is the number one facor. You can blame pickup and attitudes and so on. But I think that only on the brink of losing snakewater epsilon ever realised whap they were fighting for. I wil have so much respect for them if they stay around and manage to turn the tables, but if they give up right now it would mean the very worst for euro tf2.

Obviously you can fold for any reason at any time. But now is the time and place to step up the game, Claim back our prize!

Last edited by Akasazh,


(Toucan Ambassador)

Also I think the wheels are in motion for a Euro Renaissance; big prize pot for ETF2L Season 13, new stricter rule set (spoiler!) and perhaps a few jaded old players retiring.

Losing in such a fashion is the best possible outcome for Europe. If we had one it would have simply reinforced the unprofessional attitudes in the Premiership.

All this stuff about reaching out to lower division players is absolute nonsense.

Competition in the very top level is the absolute driving force any competitive scene whether it’s Premiership Football or Premiership TF2. More often than not people have balked at the efforts to secure bigger prize pools or more exposure for the game, but these are the key factors that fuel a team’s desire.

The malaise of top teams is directly linked to the fact that efforts to raise competition to new heights (ESL, Assembly, Dreamhack et al) have all come to nothing. The promise of something bigger and better on the horizon has always been the big motivation that has kept EU top teams playing, but in the last twelve months that has been non-existent.

I’m sure the standard “it’s just a game” and “money shouldn’t matter” arguments are being warmed up right now, but then you are probably just missing the point. Prize pools and serious LAN events give players legitimate reasons to invest time in the game beyond their existing passion and rivalries.

ESEA is the single biggest factor in the NA > EU debate.

tl;dr Reignite some serious competition in the top tier and the rest will fall in line.


ESEA is attempting to expand to the EU again… Might think of supporting a TF2 division if they start one up.



(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from Oafmeal

ESEA is attempting to expand to the EU again… Might think of supporting a TF2 division if they start one up.


Have been in contact with ESEA! http://etf2l.org/forum/general/topic-22213/page-7/?recent=400736#post-400710


I would love to help regarding this. Anybody who has a lot of influence in EU who would like to work with me?


for those who don’t know. cinq made the bot for #pun.na in NA


Quoted from cinq

I would love to help regarding this. Anybody who has a lot of influence in EU who would like to work with me?

Hey, can you make the NA bots work using the channel topic? I don’t want to get highlighted every time someone adds or checks the status. I’m not sure how this works, but if you try EU irc bots you will see.



Quoted from cinq

I would love to help regarding this. Anybody who has a lot of influence in EU who would like to work with me?

That’d be a great thing.



Quoted from Admirable

tl;dr Reignite some serious competition in the top tier and the rest will fall in line.

Gone are the days of diggy. Where will the youngins look for their drive, their spirit.

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