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My opinion on how the European scene could go forward

Created 27th August 2012 @ 05:17

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Hi, just a random shitters opinion-

In my opinion the one thing that North America has which we don’t is an active pickup channel. I know we have pixel pickup, but it’s hardly active and only really gets people adding up when you’ve spammed your friends list – while in the mean time you may have just got a mix anyway.

Having the pickups means that the lower players get the opportunity to play with some of the higher skilled players which pushes them a lot more than they would playing in their div 3/4/5 games. I’ve played a couple of games on PUG NA and noticed how many of the top players are there playing with the lower skilled guys and not really moaning/raging. I understand that this may be frustrating for some of the top players, but they may have to just take charge and take into consideration that the other players will not have the same aim/game sense as themselves.

After VanillaTV this weekend doing so well with the coverage, and basically showing that it is the home hub of euro tf2 would it not be a good idea to have a VanillaPickup instead of having multiplay pickup1, pixelpickup etc. These pickup channels have never really had any proper advertising/integration with the main etf2l or vanilaltf2 website. This could perhaps be integrated into the sidebars of etf2l and vanillatf2 similar to how the streams are. (I personally am watching a lot more streams just because I can see straight away who’s streaming on the homepage of etf2l/vanillatf2) This could really help the pickups stay active which has been a problem in the past.

Of course there will be other things we can do but this is just one thing which I think we could do easily. Allowing the lower skilled players to get some insight and maybe even build friendships with the higher skilled players is one way to get more teams reaching the next level.

Opinions? Or am I barking up the wrong tree here? 8)


I think you are right, but how make an active channel pickup with the european community ? It’s not a troll about the community it’s just that i saw always the same guys in the pixelpickup who are waiting for begin the pickup !
The American Community is more motivated than our community and they try hard in Pickup for improove their level
It’s my opinion, this topic could be good
PS: sorry for my mistake in english :/

Last edited by Izzy57,


The reason why the euro scene didn’t go forward since 2010/2011 is because of the ego many players have. I respect most of the EU players, but I feel that there was nothing done to improve the quality of tf2 over the pond. Every single time a top european player has tried to change and introduce something new, he got shut down because his opinion was different from the others (check those retarded unlock threads). You also need to give lesser players chances, you can stack up a team as much as you want but you would be surprised by the innovative plays some of the upcoming players make. Another reason would be that you dropped the only league that provided you the services you needed, ESL. They gave you an AC client, match scheduler, admins that (kind of) help you and potential LAN finals if you would have stuck with them (I do believe IEM could have supported tf2, given the fall of 1.6). Lastly, if you would give admin to top players who are committed to this game such as kaidus, this league would be GREATLY improved. You need to embrace change and stop carrying about this unlock bullshit. Unlocks only make the game more fun and they have never took the skill out of the game. Ever. As proof, check how your top teams got dominated by our teams that use unlocks such as gunboats and equalizer which guess what, they didn’t make our soldiers play worse at all.

Im gonna leave you with an Ads quote, which i think you should pay attention to if you want to do anything to improve EU tf2

Quoted from Admirable


Motherfuckers can’t see the wood for the trees?!

You speak of decline and point to unlocks because NA has them and we don’t. I’ll tell you what else NA has that we don’t; a motherfucking professional organisation supporting them – ESEA.

We have the ETF2-fucking-L twiddling their dicks for the past X years, keeping things ticking over with headsets and mice but no progress what so ever to speak of. ESEA are hosting LAN finals 3 times a year with a dedicated news source in ESEANews, brilliant features such automatic stats and demo uploads and a rule set that doesn’t promote turtling (sup timelimit 30).

We had a chance to support a serious organisation ESL, but we all fucking cried our eyes about the Wire client without really trying to help iron out teething problems. Well guess what? ESEA has a shitty client too, and they fucking pay for the privilege to use it!

Add to that a well run, motivated and professional casting outlet in eXtelevision and a thriving community of streamers and I have to strain to see exactly what the fuck an Escape Plan is going to do to turn the tides of EU TF2s perceived decline.

Jesus fucking Christ lads, wake up and smell the coffee.

I have no beef with ETF2L or their admins who spend countless hours making shit happen for no money, but I am just trying to give some motherfucking perspective to this “debate”.

Last edited by alfa,



I agree with lolage, also the pickup channel should NOT require authorization. One of the reasons I liked pug.na was because I could just /join #tf2.pug.na and play without the complicated process of registering.



What Mercyless said. Remove the need of being authed on #pixeltf2.pickup and it’d be way easier. The progress of getting authed (especially as a beginner to IRC) is horrible.



I agree on the authentication proces on IRC turning alot of people away from the pug channel. I would love to play alot more mixes, but the time and effort to find one is just too much. Esp when you dont have alot of time in the evening and have to wait for an hour to get a mix going.



I guess it’s there to somewhat prevent people from joining then just leaving for no reason (??)
If that’s the case i do see the reasoning for making it like how it is.
On the other hand, it gets alot harder for people that aren’t familiar with irc to get in there, even though it’s explained on the site.

edit: Also, (i know nothing about coding or w/e so bear with me) wouldn’t it be possible to create a link on the bar above, the one that has news, forum, recruitment etc.
To just link to the pixelpickup channel? This way you’ll have to log in on etf2l to be able to join pixel pickup?

Last edited by Regen,


Quoted from Regen

I guess it’s there to somewhat prevent people from joining then just leaving for no reason (??)

you can find a sub

I have no idea of these things, but wouldn’t it be cool if you connected the pickup-channels even more with the etf2l?

I thought of one of these small irc-windows you put f.e. below streams.
It should show what classes are needed and somewhere close make info links like “How do I get authed?” or “What ffs IS a pickup?”

Theoretically it shouldn’t be difficult… I just hope that the ETF2L doesn’t have a problem with a “3rd party mix organiser” on their homepage.

And now my i46-Comment: Stop blaming and doubting our top players or the community. It’s a bad thing that injects a “bad mood virus” into our community. I’d say get over the fact that the Amis play more and play better. I mean… it’s a VIDEOGAME, isn’t it?

Last edited by Peign slays dragons,



Quoted from Peign slays dragons

I have no idea of these things, but wouldn’t it be cool if you connected the pickup-channels even more with the etf2l?

I thought of one of these small irc-windows you put f.e. below streams.
It should show what classes are needed and somewhere close make info links like “How do I get authed?” or “What ffs IS a pickup?”

Theoretically it shouldn’t be difficult… I just hope that the ETF2L doesn’t have a problem with a “3rd party mix organiser” on their homepage.


Last edited by Regen,



Quoted from Peign slays dragons

I have no idea of these things, but wouldn’t it be cool if you connected the pickup-channels even more with the etf2l?

I thought of one of these small irc-windows you put f.e. below streams.
It should show what classes are needed and somewhere close make info links like “How do I get authed?” or “What ffs IS a pickup?”

Theoretically it shouldn’t be difficult… I just hope that the ETF2L doesn’t have a problem with a “3rd party mix organiser” on their homepage.

And now my i46-Comment: Stop blaming and doubting our top players or the community. It’s a bad thing that injects a “bad mood virus” into our community. I’d say get over the fact that the Amis play more and play better. I mean… it’s a VIDEOGAME, isn’t it?

Motherfuckers can’t see the wood for the trees?!

You speak of decline and point to unlocks because NA has them and we don’t. I’ll tell you what else NA has that we don’t; a motherfucking professional organisation supporting them – ESEA.

We have the ETF2-fucking-L twiddling their dicks for the past X years, keeping things ticking over with headsets and mice but no progress what so ever to speak of. ESEA are hosting LAN finals 3 times a year with a dedicated news source in ESEANews, brilliant features such automatic stats and demo uploads and a rule set that doesn’t promote turtling (sup timelimit 30).

We had a chance to support a serious organisation ESL, but we all fucking cried our eyes about the Wire client without really trying to help iron out teething problems. Well guess what? ESEA has a shitty client too, and they fucking pay for the privilege to use it!

Add to that a well run, motivated and professional casting outlet in eXtelevision and a thriving community of streamers and I have to strain to see exactly what the fuck an Escape Plan is going to do to turn the tides of EU TF2s perceived decline.

Jesus fucking Christ lads, wake up and smell the coffee.

I have no beef with ETF2L or their admins who spend countless hours making shit happen for no money, but I am just trying to give some motherfucking perspective to this “debate”.

admirable drops the bomb, i agree with admirable and peign

Last edited by alba,


lol can u like stop saying pixelpickup’s problem is the fact its not advertised enough? i srsly never heard of anyone who plays tf2 wouldnt know what pixel is.. problem is the fact nobody plays it and not that it doesnt get enough exposure

why almost nobody from prem/d1 plays it? bcs its shit, it crashes on every 2nd one, ballance is about the same as in lobby, this is europe so there are other pickups/mixes usually to be played within your own language and most players on pixel are complete noobs to game who often dont even have a clue about rollouts

on the other hand, NA has decent player base in their pickups so they pretty much are in play for like 18hrs a day, they have decent servers that dont crash, decent bot, decent rules (captain system) that doesnt let complete noobs on your team, all u need to do is be captain… maps imo is something nobody really cares about in na pugs, (ive seen freight played a lot) :D and they play granary more than blands as far as ive pld there

anyway, start with core shit you need to get players wanting to play there, not some silly business like etf2l advertising a dead channel

p.s. id also like to add that pu2 is fairly active at certain times (nowhere near tho what it was year or two back) so im certain you wouldnt get too many good players in pixel at start….SO main problem imo is getting those mid d3/d2 players in there, that would give decent base to the pug so new players could learn and prem could come and play without making their eyes bleed

Last edited by AnimaL,



Last edited by Regen,


Quoted from Regen


You just contradicted yourself so hard.

?! either i didnt write something properly or you didnt get me… pug chan problem isnt in exposure/advertising, read it again -_-



Quoted from AnimaL

[…]?! either i didnt write something properly or you didnt get me… pug chan problem isnt in exposure/advertising, read it again -_-

I am sorry i indeed did read it wrong :<

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