Newbie Mix - Server Help
Created 10th August 2012 @ 16:28
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An awesome person by the name of Sylosin is paying for a server to be used by the newbie mix group, so those who do not have access to one can still do mixes when they want to.
I had an idea that while the server was not in use it could be used as a DM server for the newbies, with a password that would be handed out in the group, maybe changed weekly not sure yet.
Anyways I have no idea how servers work, so I was wondering if there was someone who is willing to help us set this up.
Basically it needs to be a DM server that can be changed into a match server, so kicking people from server, exec etf2l config and change password etc etc. Would also be awesome to display message, telling them it would be shutting down in 5 mins and then doing so.
Please add me and/or respond here if you can help or if what I am saying is impossible.
If you want to help with the mixes then please contact me or Mercyless and we can talk and help you.
Well the server has been bought. I still need someone to help me. It would be very helpful to the group since I have no clue what I am doing.
Some general thoughts – there’s several DM servers out there, of whom only the wantedgov is filled regularly (on sundays Pingtimeout seems to have players as well), so there’s no shortage on DM servers, but rather a shortage on players to fill them. So, instead of stretching the same amount of players on even more DM servers, make a private MGE server, that’s what people are needing most out of experience – the ability to play MGE vs a friend w/o any randoms interfering. (not saying there isnt enough MGE servers to fill, but thats a different issue).
Well we have 2k members (no idea how many are active) so filling a DM server should not a problem I think.
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