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Created 27th February 2009 @ 06:52

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I’d love to play a clan war (6v6 usual rules) but with a mod that means there is no fall damage and soldiers and demomen don’t receive any damage from rocket jumping or sticky jumping… Would be interesting…

I think it would bring a different play style to the soldiers and demoman and would make ubers alot more interesting… I just love the idea of soldiers being able to use their rockets to jump about in the midst of a fight without it spelling suicide, im not so sure how much it would affect a demo in a fight but it would be interesting to see how it would go, i know it would make the demo and soldier very overpowered because they could easily get to the next point very quickly… Hmm probably a daft idea but you never know until you try :> Anyone interested? (would need them to set up the mods on their server due to voi’s server being run by KJ and cba with the hassle of moaning at him to install all these mods)

If your interested feel free to add me on steam: stuart.watt@gmail.com



What i mean by being able to rocket jump etc without being damaged


HEY! You know? This is best idea i even seen!!!! OF course, let’s make it!

And also let’s gave to soldiers new ability named: Fully Immuned for enemy soldier rockets. Also let’s give to soldiers ability, to heal himself. With this new features TF2 will be best game ever! Oh noes, i think will be better if Soldier and demo, ran as fast as scout.

Oh yea, i forgot about demo. Let’s give them unlimited ammo, and ability use 100 sticky’s. That would be very funny if around point will be 100 stickys.

P.S . Dont spoil Team Fortress 2 , with this shity ideas :)



eoN is Chuck Noriss.

And my english sucks



it’s not like that one scrim between two other teams will spoil any of your fun


Lol Mirelin i think you missed the idea, i dont want tf2 to change… i just want to try it out and see what people would do, would they just around crazily but get their medic killed or would they use the jumps more defensively and play as usual on middle etc?



lol eoN just wants to stickyjump right into peoples faces ;D


RaWr ::

It would make the mid cps 5vs5 as soldiers could get there quicker and über would take twice as long to build!


I can agree on the falldamage part, but as Wlv said…uber would take ages to build :P


eoN, okay. Then sorry :D .

But you must agree with this idea – Oh yea, i forgot about demo. Let’s give them unlimited ammo, and ability use 100 sticky’s. That would be very funny if around point will be 100 stickys.


Exactly Wlv, it would mean the Solis would be able to jump around like crazy but without gaining much from it and the rushes / defensive would be alot more interesting if people decide to rush in without an uber for once (i know… blasphemy)

MasterBlaster, so much… so… so… much…

Also, this would only be for one match just for a laugh and for something different, and from what ive been hearing from alot of people during pickups etc TF2 is getting boring so why not give it some variety and have a little match with some spice ;)



ye sounds nice but it would be too much of a boost imo =/ anyway i think that the selfdamage could be like 20-30% less then it is atm=/



It would just be a trial match, no?

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