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How to convert .dem to avi?

Created 19th June 2012 @ 14:01

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Is there any way to convert a demo from prec to an avi or any other normal video codec without playing the demo via steam and recording screen with hypercam/fraps?`

ty in advance



Use the PLDX or Lawena recording tools, I’m sure someone with more expertise will explain them better but those are the names if you want to search.



record with lawena recording tool,
convert to video format using virtual dub



but what do i have to do if I already have the demos from prec on my HDD?
I just want to convert them to an AVI file, just like I would convert any other video



can’t convert a .dem straight to .avi since a dem file isn’t a video, iirc it’s a file that tells the game where players etc were and just sorta replays that



You create a Visual Basic gooey to backtrack the IP.

edit: non-troll answer. There is no way to do it. A demo isn’t a video, it’s bassically a recording of all the data your TF2 got from the server while you were playing. You play it back again and the game emulates everything through. The only way to do it (within reason) is to run through the game.

Last edited by Skyride,



You first need to convert the demo file into a series of .tga images(which you do by using lawena recording tool), which you can then convert into a video file(using virtual dub), you cant directly convert a demo file into a .avi.


(ETF2L Donator)

I’ve got a similar Issue, I’ve burned shotcuts for all files of my 2TB Moviecollection to a DVD, how come that won’t play on my DVD Player? It works flawlessly on my Computer.



Quoted from slate

I’ve got a similar Issue, I’ve burned shotcuts for all files of my 2TB Moviecollection to a DVD, how come that won’t play on my DVD Player? It works flawlessly on my Computer.




Easier than the .tga thing just use the startmovie nameofthemovie h264. You’ll get a nice .avi file after that.



Here is the first part of SonofDadSC’s moviemaking tutorial, giving you the basics of recording. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIK4bVzFeFw&feature=plcp

Or just use the following console commands while having your demo loaded at whatever tick you wanna start your recording at.

Programmes to download: VirtualDub, Lagarith Lossless Video Codec

(run game in video-fitting resolution such as 1280×720)
sv_cheats 1
host_framerate 60
startmovie NAME raw

Now, you’ve created a bunch of .tga images in your /tf/ folder, so you can exit TF2.
Open up VirtualDub and open the first of the .tga’s that you crated, called NAME0000. It will automaticly put the rest of the .tga’s with same name in there aswell. Remember to go to audio and select “audio from other file”, and go to Video and select Frame Rate, put it to the same as you recorded with in-game (60) and select Lagarith Lossless Video Codec under Compression.

Save as AVI, and that file will be the one you wanna edit in Vegas or whatever, THEN upload (the raw file after VirtualDub is pretty huge too)

Spike Himself


Quoted from Wiper

Save as AVI, and that file will be the one you wanna edit in Vegas or whatever, THEN upload (the raw file after VirtualDub is pretty huge too)

Surely you’d want to edit before compressing? That’s what I do anyway; load tga’s in vegas, edit, render uncompressed, use vdub to compress, upload.



Quoted from Spike Himself


Surely you’d want to edit before compressing? That’s what I do anyway; load tga’s in vegas, edit, render uncompressed, use vdub to compress, upload.

Wouw, load all of the .tga’s in Vegas? How is that possible, editing thousands of individual image files? Can Vegas handle that? Anyways i just compress them with Vdub and then edit that file i get out of it, then render and upload.

Spike Himself


Vegas can import them as a sequence of images just like vdub does. It will appear in your timeline like any other video.


Last edited by Spike Himself,



Quoted from Spike Himself

Vegas can import them as a sequence of images just like vdub does. It will appear in your timeline like any other video.


Except this is a horrifically bad idea because you go from being pretty badly hard drive limited to “I might as well be doing this on a pentium 3 for all the difference it would make”-hard drive limited.

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