Airs. With demo and soldier.
Created 15th June 2012 @ 19:51
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Close range – Demo airs easier , Mid range and long range – Solly airs
After having played demo I’d say soldier feels alot easier when the rockets go exactly where you aim. Practising MGE as soldier is also good even if you’re a demoman, since the prediction-stuff will be the same, when playing demo you will get “warmed up” with the pipes, and know that they fly faster and travel in arcs, and be used to it, and hit them as easily.
Quoted from Wiper
Practising MGE as soldier is also good even if you’re a demoman, since the prediction-stuff will be the same
So Mike also has the best demo aim? What a fucking beast!
I’d say demo, just switched my main from solly to demo a week ago and I hit a tonne of airshots :/
Quoted from Phrozen
I’d say demo, just switched my main from solly to demo a week ago and I hit a tonne of airshots :/
cuz youre playing against bad ppl
Quoted from Rdios
cuz youre playing against bad ppl
you bad rdios
Last edited by Maffi,
Quoted from doks
for a solly – demo airs, for a demo soldier airs ???
Quoted from Snyyppis
Having played both classes, I’d say the slight arc of grenades makes demo airshots easier. The grenade launcher also has a faster rate of fire, which means that you have more chances to hit an airborne target and it also makes double-airs easier.
Statistically speaking you are more likely to see rocket airs.
Quoted from Koala
So Mike also has the best demo aim? What a fucking beast!
he does have quite good pipe aim too tbh
It’s ok, tweek.
We can turn it around and say numlocked and kaidus have got the best soldier aims. Now the thread is about them, how bout that? Pretty cool trick, huh?
Quoted from Koala
It’s ok, tweek.
We can turn it around and say numlocked and kaidus have got the best soldier aims. Now the thread is about them, how bout that? Pretty cool trick, huh?
put stickies where airborne target lands…thats the real stuff.
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