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Fail scam is fail :)

Created 25th February 2009 @ 15:26

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So this guy called “VERIFICATION_VAC” tried to add me as friend on steam and I figured, what the hell, this should be fun.

I accepted the invite and initiated a conversation:


“Never tell your password to anyone.
den 25 februari 2009
16:04 – .iw. Igulfast [MD]: LOLOLOLOLOLOL
16:04 – VЕRIFICАTIОN_VAC Здравствуйте, наш офис занимается проверкой данных поступивших сразу на компанию(сообщество/клан) игроков, которые по некоторым данным играют не честно. Возможны такие случаю, как использование программ дающих вам преимущество над другими игроками, так и использование 1-го аккаунта на разных машинах(компьютерах). Для проверки вашего аккаунта предоставьте пожалуйста нам(в частности мне) ключ от CD диска с 1-ой игрой на этом аккаунте и свой логин и пароль(от аккаунта)
16:05 – .iw. Igulfast [MD]: yeah lol scam attempt and you dont even bother typing in english worst one ever
16:07 – VЕRIFICАTIОN_VAC Hello, our office is engaged in a background check actings at once on the company/association/clan of players which from some data play not honestly. Such are possible sluchayu, both use of the programs givings you advantage above other players and use of 1th akkaunta on different machines/computers. For verification of your akk give please to us(in particular to me) key from CD of disk with 1-ouch by a game thereon akk and login and password(from akk)
16:09 – .iw. Igulfast [MD]: lol you may wanna improve your english before trying another one of these scam attempts :P
16:10 – VЕRIFICАTIОN_VAC I am sorry, we have a right bock you
16:11 – .iw. Igulfast [MD]: “bock” me? lol dunno what that is but sure go ahead, sounds fun
16:11 – VЕRIFICАTIОN_VAC my English and in a true bad
16:12 – .iw. Igulfast [MD]: LOL? wut?
VЕRIFICАTIОN_VAC is now Offline.”

He didn’t go offline, he removed me from friends and tried another victim instead.



Hmm I dunno, that seemed pretty legit….

Head Hunter

yeah, looks like you missed out on the advanatge :(



haha, nice one!



rofl:) he probably used some stupid russian to english translator



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