Looking to be Sponsored
Created 4th April 2012 @ 19:07
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Quoted from Rob!
what exactly do sponsors have to do?
probably give them a laggy server and a 30-slot mumble like they always do or
they have like 100 teams
Quoted from Rob!
what exactly do sponsors have to do?
Its not a case of what sponsors “have” to do its more of a case of what people think/want sponsors to do for them. Which as mentioned if almost nothing or give you a server and terrible mumble.
Each to his own.
Last edited by Si^,
Sponsors are expected to do many things: Tf2 server, Mumble server, T-shirts, Lan Support, Equipment support.
Teams are expected to do in return: Wear their avatars, wear their tags, post on their websites both Articles and Comments(Mandatory), post on their forums, WIN THINGS.
Lower divisions can’t really expect much in return for sponsorship because they can’t give much back, a div5 team can’t really expect T-shirt and Lan support because what does the Organisation get back from it? Nothing. You’ll be hard pushed with a PROPER organisation (and not just a community) to even get a free server as any CEO of a company with sense will not throw money away, even for free advertisement (via tags and avatars) as this doesn’t see any kind of return on his money. The higher up the divisions you climb the more you should expect from your sponsors and the more you can start to ask for.
Here’s what i think you, as a team, technically have the RIGHT to ask for based on your division and if you perform EXTREMELY WELL: (note this is based on a world where we can hit more than 5k viewers on each stream, having lots of.people steeaming all the time.)
Division 6: Mumble/(maybe)Server
Division 5: Mumble/(maybe)Server
Division 4: Mumble/Server/(Maybe)T-shirts at lan
Division 3: Mumble/Server/Lan Shirts/(Maybe)Review Equipment from sponsors
Division 2: Mumble/Server/Lan Shirts/Review Equipment/(Maybe)Lan Support at Local Lans(Likely to win)
Division 1: Mumble/Server/Lan Shirts/Review Equipment/(maybe)Headsets and Mice from Sponsors/Lan Support at Local Lans/(maybe)Lan Support at Big Lans
Premiership: Mumble/Server/Lan Shirts, Hoodies, Hats/Review Equipment/Headsets, Mice, Mousemats and Keyboards from Sponsors/ Lan Support for All Lans/Stream Capable System.
As you can see, the higher you rise the more you can ask for but unless you are getting results you shouldn’t EXPECT anything, why would any organisation throw money at anyone unless they had results to show for it?
Running an organisation in e-sports is NEVER going to make you money, not now, not anytime soon in the future. If you speak to the CEO of any of these organisations they’ll tell you as much. You need to stop thinking “WHAT CAN THIS ORG DO FOR ME!?” because the answer is VERY LITTLE unless you give them something first.
So think it through properly, do you think you can give your organisation and sponsors a REASON to give you things? Can you handle the pressure of constantly being expected to perform to a high standard and being questioned constantly as to why you aren’t, if you start losing?
Hope this helped some people who don’t have any experience with sponsorships and organisations.
Last edited by Enef,
Just woke up XD Been meaning to post in this thread since it was posted.
Just sharing the knowledge that i have from my short and extremely pleasant time spent with cc// and the little i learned about the business side of it. It’s not easy for the owners, people need to cut them some slack.
Real sponsorship does not exist essentially, aside from Epsilon and Infused no one else gets anything of value. Usually sponsors are just people who want to grow their community and people looking for sponsors are just people wanting to be part of a community or kiddies who can’t afford to buy their own server. (usually the latter)
Quoted from Enef
wall of text
I sponsor teams so that I can have friends in mumble.
True story.
Seriously; I pay for everything myself, and there is no income. Not even a nomination in the people’s choice thingy.
Last edited by Spike Himself,
As far as TC is concerned we only ask that people wear tags and avatars most of the time (and some people even struggle with that!).
Not gonna mention names but some sponsors seem to want you to lick their arse these days by liking all their shit on facebook and writing lengthy stupid reports no-one will read so they look slightly more professional and making people do loads of shitty mandatory stuff.
Quite frankly I’d say I’ve done quite a lot for TC but spike has never asked me to do anything or forced anyone to do anything dumb and I like that <3
Quoted from Enef
Sponsors are expected to do many things: Tf2 server, Mumble server, T-shirts, Lan Support, Equipment support.
A good read, thanks a lot. :) I’ve div2 sponskill. :(
Quoted from Spike Himself
I sponsor teams so that I can have friends in mumble.
True story.
Seriously; I pay for everything myself, and there is no income. Not even a nomination in the people’s choice thingy.
I’ve heard rumours that you force people to do terrifying things at night.
Quoted from Enef
Sponsors are expected to do many things: Tf2 server, Mumble server, T-shirts, Lan Support, Equipment support.
Teams are expected to do in return: Wear their avatars, wear their tags, post on their websites both Articles and Comments(Mandatory), post on their forums, WIN THINGS.
Lower divisions can’t really expect much in return for sponsorship because they can’t give much back, a div5 team can’t really expect T-shirt and Lan support because what does the Organisation get back from it? Nothing. You’ll be hard pushed with a PROPER organisation (and not just a community) to even get a free server as any CEO of a company with sense will not throw money away, even for free advertisement (via tags and avatars) as this doesn’t see any kind of return on his money. The higher up the divisions you climb the more you should expect from your sponsors and the more you can start to ask for.
Here’s what i think you, as a team, technically have the RIGHT to ask for based on your division and if you perform EXTREMELY WELL:
Division 6: Mumble/(maybe)Server
Division 5: Mumble/(maybe)Server
Division 4: Mumble/Server/(Maybe)T-shirts at lan
Division 3: Mumble/Server/Lan Shirts/(Maybe)Review Equipment from sponsors
Division 2: Mumble/Server/Lan Shirts/Review Equipment/(Maybe)Lan Support at Local Lans(Likely to win)
Division 1: Mumble/Server/Lan Shirts/Review Equipment/(maybe)Headsets and Mice from Sponsors/Lan Support at Local Lans/(maybe)Lan Support at Big Lans
Premiership: Mumble/Server/Lan Shirts, Hoodies, Hats/Review Equipment/Headsets, Mice, Mousemats and Keyboards from Sponsors/ Lan Support for All Lans/Stream Capable System.As you can see, the higher you rise the more you can ask for but unless you are getting results you shouldn’t EXPECT anything, why would any organisation throw money at anyone unless they had results to show for it?
Running an organisation in e-sports is NEVER going to make you money, not now, not anytime soon in the future. If you speak to the CEO of any of these organisations they’ll tell you as much. You need to stop thinking “WHAT CAN THIS ORG DO FOR ME!?” because the answer is VERY LITTLE unless you give them something first.
So think it through properly, do you think you can give your organisation and sponsors a REASON to give you things? Can you handle the pressure of constantly being expected to perform to a high standard and being questioned constantly as to why you aren’t, if you start losing?
Hope this helped some people who don’t have any experience with sponsorships and organisations.
Finally sombody puts in a little effort to write about something that so many people get wrong. Thanks a lot Enef, you sure helped me out! I was not sure EXACTLY what I can demand. Given my ETF2L history, it seems I WILL be able to get those T-Shirts that I wanted. ( yay! )
Keep up the good work. You are truly a man of unlimited wisdom.
Quoted from Spike Himself
I sponsor teams so that I can have friends in mumble.
True story.
Seriously; I pay for everything myself, and there is no income. Not even a nomination in the people’s choice thingy.
Well as you can see I started the Tarkus 2012 bangwagon thats all over the current nomination. Unfortunately , you cannot stop a wave while it is at its peak. But I gotta say, I never thought of it this way untill you wrote it.
Props to you for paying the rent and holding up your own circle of teams.
( one of the few serious posts I’ve done latley, but I really do mean it :) )
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