How to Help TF2
Created 12th March 2012 @ 17:52
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As you may be aware, for what ever reason, there has been a lot more talk about how to attract new people into competitive TF2, both in NA and here.
So far it has only been discussion. So what I will try and do is summarize what has been talked about and what might be effective.
First the Newbie Mix Group in NA has become a really positive thing in the community, with many people saying that they enjoyed the experience on both sides. See here .
So any suggestions on how to improve the Euro one would be great. Although there is kinda thread at the moment, might as well get all feedback here.
Second, from both Reddit and the many misconceptions on SPUF, more streams, preferably from the top teams would help a great deal. Not only would this help get rid of some of the misconceptions about TF2.
Taken from the NA thread about this:
There is a perceived gap between the competitive community and everyone else. This is probably the most meaty of the issues, but one that can easily be fixed. Streaming practices, putting short team videos online, putting your demos + match comms up on youtube, etc. I’d say at least 90% of the people in the thread agreed that it’s hard to get excited when it seems like we’re playing a different game, at a higher level than most pubbers could ever hope to be at. Maybe people on fragging classes could upload some MGE sessions, with live commentary. Maybe teams could, in the same vein as above, upload practice times. I dunno. There’s a metric fuckton of ways to get connected with ESEA teams via streaming, youtube, and twitter. Let’s hammer some out.
The next interesting one that was suggested from Reddit and it is hard to know if or how important this actually is that
“Competitive TF2 news is rather fragmented and disorganized. The top rated comment expressed concerns about information not being readily available, and spread out over different leagues. Someone else suggested something like TeamLiquid, but for TF2, to consolidate league news across the board.”
From NATF2 again.
So these are some things to think about. All feedback and suggestions are welcome. If you just come to comment about how it is pointless etc. Please don’t <3
Making videos that reach the majority is hard when your team speaks something other than english. Also streaming is quite hard with 1Mb upload.
Imo no one needs to be spoon-fed to get involved with comp tf2, it’s easy to get into the scene if you really want to…
The perceived “gap” comes from people not taking it upon themselves to look into it, and playing pubs all day.
Strong side of TF2 is the community, do local recordings on xsplit of a good and fun game and upload to youtube.
If you really wanna help TF2, you have to stop being elitist and egotistical assholes who doom TF2 just because some players are quitting the game. Secondly, you gotta start accepting that some unlocks have to be allowed. For variety/tactics/whatever and for attracting new players.
Imo the problem isn’t that there’s not a lot of players, the problem is that there’s TOO MANY players, but nobody’s(not a lot of people) helping them or giving them a chance to prove their worth.
That’s how I see it, atleast.
Last edited by Ghostface,
Quoted from caned
Imo no one needs to be spoon-fed to get involved with comp tf2, it’s easy to get into the scene if you really want to…
The perceived “gap” comes from people not taking it upon themselves to look into it, and playing pubs all day.
It is easy once you want to. We need to make it so people want to.
Hence the streams and the newbie mix group <3 Both ways to encourage people to try and join.
I think the equalizer should be brought back, not trolling but I was watching the esea LAN sollies and just thinking how much more interesting it was to watch the slow class with the equalizer, + it put the skill level achievable for a soldier much higher, it didn’t look OP or anything, it made the game much more interesting to spectate and after all is that not the goal of the ETF2L, the original reason the golden cap rule was introduced? Some unlocks are of course annoying and over-powered but by blanker-banning every unlock except the medic ones, it’s turning pubbers away. If you think right? You’re a pubber, your loadout is direct hit, gunboats and equalizer, you start getting a little serious and check out the etf2l on recommendations, find out that none of the weapons you like are allowed, you give up and go back to pub.
Quoted from Ghostface
but nobody’s(not a lot of people) helping them or giving them a chance to prove their worth.
That’s how I see it, atleast.
Haha, I clicked this and I just KNEW it would be another crashsite topic.
As someone else said, nobody wants to play competitive because all the fun weapons are banned
it’d be cool if there was like an official in-game 6v6/highlander mix finder thing
and unlocks were allowed
badmotv saving the day once again
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