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HLTV on Team Fortress 2

Created 21st May 2008 @ 19:41

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Hello, i have the normal hltv of the deticated server,
but i don’t know if it works on Team fortress 2

does anybody know what i need to do and install
to be able to put hltv on my server?

thnx, NicoA



add “tv_enable” in server.cfg


Excuse me, but is there any possible way to observe games online due HLTV or SourceTV? Actually can you point me out the differences between these two?

Thank you in advance!



To activate Source TV, it is best to set the following:

/ / Source TV
tv_delay 90
tv_name “YourClanName TV [password: tv]”
tv_transmitall 1
tv_maxclients 50
tv_password “tv”

and all this save to the file autoexec.cfg and then upload at the server to a folder “orangebox/tf/cfg/”

For the follow-up matches must know the IP address (port), and possibly also to Source TV, and there are connected, just as if you have connected into the game.

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