How to improve my DM as Demo?
Created 2nd February 2012 @ 15:12
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deffo full pubservers on spam maps like dustbowl :D
put up stickytraps. easy game
What’s so bad in
No one forces you to use shit like huntsman or direct hit there. No one forces you to just hold mid and wait for fresh spawns to come. It’s a good place for a demoman to train his pipe aim, though it may be very frustrating, especially when there are 2 good scouts in the opposite team.
Quoted from hospitch
Alright, I’m gonna keep an eye out for that, though I can’t agree with the jumping part, Scouts and Sollies can still ‘stop’ moving in mid-air and again, everything I can do is guessing in that moment. Or am I wrong?
uhm you mean airstrafing i assume. and yeah, ofc every class can do that. ok, gonna stay on scouts here: if the scout isnt accelerated by some explosive, the airstrafing he can do while jumping is fairly small compared to the instant dodging he can do on foot. in conclusion hes much easier to hit when he jumps (when he jumps at all). but thats common knowledge, focus on my other tip instead.
also, when you are thinking of scouts/sollis rocketjumping or rocketsurfing etc with acceleration, think of it in an mathematical way. the sorter the distance your nade has to travel, the more likely it won’t be dodged due to airstrafing.
only exception is when the solly/scout was just catapulted/rocketjumped since most ppl begin airstrafing while falling down afaik so you could try to go for the nade-hit before they reach their peak with the jump (since its unlikely they are already airstrafing while ascending).
Last edited by xiuxiu,
personally, I improved it by sitting on a dm map (eg gran mid) with a couple of friends. they switch to sol and scout and I can only pipe them. it was good practice.
Use charge ‘n targe so you’re forced to shoot pipes.
1. thousands of hours practicing in dm/ammomod servers
2. ????
Deathmatch servers.
Pipes are simple prediction of movement. If a scout is focusing on killing you, he is not focusing on dodging (unless he’s shocky) so this is when you use normal prediction (ie. scout jumps sideways from badlands train -> most likely he’ll doublejump back the same way).
But when a scout is focusing on dodging, his movement is not predictable and all that goes out of the window. This is also the reason it can feel more difficult to pipe scouts from lower divisions because they tend to take more head-on and erratic/unintelligent paths. Best you can do then is spam and hope, or use a sticky to mess up their movement.
I feel that this video should be explanatory enough.
Quoted from xiuxiu
uhm you mean airstrafing i assume. and yeah, ofc every class can do that. ok, gonna stay on scouts here: if the scout isnt accelerated by some explosive, the airstrafing he can do while jumping is fairly small compared to the instant dodging he can do on foot. in conclusion hes much easier to hit when he jumps (when he jumps at all). but thats common knowledge, focus on my other tip instead.
also, when you are thinking of scouts/sollis rocketjumping or rocketsurfing etc with acceleration, think of it in an mathematical way. the sorter the distance your nade has to travel, the more likely it won’t be dodged due to airstrafing.only exception is when the solly/scout was just catapulted/rocketjumped since most ppl begin airstrafing while falling down afaik so you could try to go for the nade-hit before they reach their peak with the jump (since its unlikely they are already airstrafing while ascending).
No, I don’t mean airstrafing. For example they stand on a train @ badlands middle.
They do Ctrl => Space => A/D => D/A.
If you jump to the right/left, you can ‘stop’ moving by pressing the other strafe key which lets you fall down straight.
That’s what I meant. How can I be 100% sure that I hit them without being lucky?
dm or mge. the hardest hit to hit with pipes is heavy spinning his gun
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