How to improve my DM as Demo?
Created 2nd February 2012 @ 15:12
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I feel like there’s no way I can hit a Scout or even a Solly in a straight 1v1 situation with pipes only.
If their movement is somewhat good, they can just dodge my pills, as long as they stay on midrange atleast.
Any tips?
MGE/DM with a friend. Just keep working at it. There’s also tr_walkway that you can set the dodge options and speed to high and use that for prediction.
Try to find a good DM server ( is a good one, you can find the servers somewhere on these forums) for pipes. I also like playing in pubs as demo, for me at least that helps aswell :)
And then it’s just practicing, and trying to improve your movement prediction.
Mge doesnt seem to help me, i feel it’s too unrealistic. If i was you i would go on dm servers or tr_walkway to to get the basic feel and maybe even watch demos of other demoman and see how they deal with it in those situations and thier positioning.
Quoted from Coco is a good one
just lol
m1 m2 all the way
it’s not like my DM is terrible. I can do flickshots and hit airshots atleast half the time I shoot. I already got the muscle memory to do that and enough experience to predict where my target will move when he’s out of my sight, but I’m struggling with predicting where my target moves when it’s dodging.
I can’t see a pattern in their movement, thus I can’t hit them. I can only guess and well, most of the time I fail at it?
How do the good Demomen handle that kind of situation and how did you improve your DM.
I recently started playing on DM servers and since then I really got a hard time hitting my targets.
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Spend every night in a 33/33 dustbowl server
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scout perspective:
theres certain moments in the movement of people where they become really easy to predict.
for scouts its mostly either when they jump or the moment in which they are going to shoot you: in that moment they usually use a predictable strafe to not mess up their aim too much (a lot of scouts use their movement/strafing to support their aim), so look out for that moment, try to learn the rythm in which most scouts shoot and as they’re about to hit you, look out for their strafe and nade them a splitsecond before since its their most vunerable moment (doesnt apply to all situations/scouts)
Last edited by xiuxiu,
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Quoted from xiuxiu
scout perspective:
theres certain moments in the movement of people where they become really easy to predict.
for scouts its mostly either when they jump or the moment in which they are going to shoot you: in that moment they usually use a predictable strafe to not mess up their aim too much (a lot of scouts use their movement/strafing to support their aim), so look out for that moment, try to learn the rythm in which most scouts shoot and as they’re about to hit you, look out for their strafe and nade them a splitsecond before since its their most vunerable moment (doesnt apply to all situations/scouts)
Alright, I’m gonna keep an eye out for that, though I can’t agree with the jumping part, Scouts and Sollies can still ‘stop’ moving in mid-air and again, everything I can do is guessing in that moment. Or am I wrong?
Though I play Medic, I usually practice Demo in dm, for fun. I really sucked in the beginning, almost missed stationary targets but after about 50 hours of training I start to hit pretty well, so it’s all about repetition. Also look for jumping, it’s a lot easier to hit in those cases. Don’t worry, all you need is practice :D
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