Splendid needs help. it might be you!
Created 15th January 2012 @ 22:32
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Dear supporters, fans and reader,
The new year started so new goals have to be achieved. In order to achieve those goals we’re in the need of people who are willing to help at splendid-gaming. We at splendid-gaming are in the need of people who have the knowledge about creating a small community here at this website.
Your job is one of the most important jobs around in a eSports organization. As community manager you will review the website on a daily basis and you have knowledge about how to attract people to our website. Besides that its your job to get a crew behind you to help you advertising the website and the forum so people actually can get the latest news, downloads and ofcourse the best possible coverage of LAN-Events. In order to achieve this you have to be patient and motivated.
People who are interested in working for Splendid-Gaming should live up to the following requirements:
People who have been working for a eSports organization before, and who are able to give proof of their work.
People who know how to be a neutral admin, and how to get people interested in our forums.
People who are active, but still have a social life besides it. Its not your priority to be online for 8 hours a day.
Trustable, you’ll get in touch with confidential information which should be kept confidential at all costs.
Knowledge of various eSports community’s.
This is a open job, and its possible for everyone to send a apllication. Make sure your apllication includes the following points:
Name and Surname
Country and City
Age / Date of birth
A short motivation
Why are you the guy/girl for the job.
When sending an e-mail make sure the subject is “[APP] Community manager” – Splendid will contact the best apllicants for a conversation to see if we’re on the same line. Still interested? Don’t hesitate and send your apllication to [email protected] and maybe we’ll get in touch with you!
The Management
Quoted from CanFo
Will there be some kind of compensation?
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