TF2 jitter, possibly cfg to blame.
Created 4th January 2012 @ 10:24
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About a week ago tf2 started jittering for me, but not as in the game itself, more like mouse movement was horribly jittery. Thought I’d try putting on a config, didn’t really help, might’ve even made it worse.
It can’t be the mouse, cause I don’t have these problems in other games, but I opened it up and cleaned it anyway. I have a logitech g5 btw. So it must be something with tf2 settings, but since I’m just about as clever, when it comes to cvars and commands, as a monkey would be I need help.
I’m currently playing with a completely unaltered chris’ highframes, mouse DPI is 1000 and ingame sensitivity 2, no acceleration (not that I know of anyway) and yes I have the latest drivers for the mouse.
Last edited by n00ne,
it could be caused by buffering. check the gpu settings in your control panel. turn off triple buffering if its turned on.
It’s off.
try fps_max 132 or any other value but 0
It was happening regardless of the fps cap and I’m playing with fullscreen. Haven’t been messing with the priority settings, but gonna check if it’s somehow set to high anyway.
EDIT: Priority was set to normal already.
Last edited by n00ne,
Used to have it often, not since upgrading my PC though. If I had to guess which particular hardware has helped most, I’d say probably an SSD.
If you are using zonealarm and it recently updated you can get rid of the jittering by closing your firewall.
This is what made me lag ingame, it somehow started to ‘check’ the server every time I pinged towards it, which made me lag.
Not using zonealarm, I’ve got Microsoft Security Essentials and SpyBot S&D’s TeaTimer running tho.
So? Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?
Quoted from TviQ
Windowed mode? High priority on hl2.exe?, Set it to normal Priority And no window mode
Windowed mode for me makes me laggy more than playing in full screen. :/
and u jump end dead
Quoted from redou
Windowed mode for me makes me laggy more than playing in full screen. :/
Well, yeah, of course.
Quoted from slate
desktop firewalls are shit anyways
Whats the alternative to a desktop firewall?
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