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Transparent Viewmodels/FOV Changer (Client Plugin)

Created 31st December 2011 @ 00:35

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Quoted from kim

because a plugin that makes everything accesible to everyone (something valve should think about sometime) is unfair, none of which gives you a definite advantage as similiar things can be achieved by either changing your aspect ratio or using external tools

i see

I thought the whole reason this plugin was even semi-controversial was because it allowed you to swap FOV while playing? I don’t see you changing your tray tools settings while playing TF2 at the same time.



Quoted from herpderp


I thought the whole reason this plugin was even semi-controversial was because it allowed you to swap FOV while playing? I don’t see you changing your tray tools settings while playing TF2 at the same time.

Almost. While it did allow you to potentially have a wallhack as long as you stand close to a wall and have a bind set up for it, it was exactly the same thing you were and still are able to achieve with certain aspect ratios. Essentially people who run a eyefinity setup for example would not be bothered that much by the huge fov and still have the wallhack at the same time. How is that fair?
The controversial part was mainly the fact that you were able to bypass -insecure which denied you of joining VAC servers while using unsigned plugins and be able to just build hacks in plugins and use them without getting detected.
Atleast that’s my understanding, I don’t see what the point of changing your tray tools settings ingame would be either way. You sure you don’t mean aspect ratio to increase fov? There’d be no need for this discussion if we could just increase our fov to something like 110 ingame and have that be the maximum.



Quoted from kim

Almost. While it did allow you to potentially have a wallhack as long as you stand close to a wall and have a bind set up for it, it was exactly the same thing you were and still are able to achieve with certain aspect ratios. Essentially people who run a eyefinity setup for example would not be bothered that much by the huge fov and still have the wallhack at the same time. How is that fair?
The controversial part was mainly the fact that you were able to bypass -insecure which denied you of joining VAC servers while using unsigned plugins and be able to just build hacks in plugins and use them without getting detected.
Atleast that’s my understanding, I don’t see what the point of changing your tray tools settings ingame would be either way. You sure you don’t mean aspect ratio to increase fov? There’d be no need for this discussion if we could just increase our fov to something like 110 ingame and have that be the maximum.

Tray tools was the wrong word for what I meant, the scaling works the other way too if you look at those obscure gamers that use old school 4:3 CRT’s for some reason, they get less than 90 and are infact crippled :P

I’d like the 110 fov maximum idea, but I don’t see Valve changing anything about the fov anytime soon.



Quoted from IPZIE


even that is wrong if you would compare the gfx of a tf2 running rivatuner and a picmipped tf2. the difference is huge c======8

Not quite. Unless you make TF2 almost unrecogniseable and make the teams hard to tell apart (anything above like 5 or 6) it’s not that much more, and it certainly doesn’t give you a big advantage or anything. Not to mention the fact that it should be in the game anyway.



Quoted from droso


What will you do if hundreds of comp players (let’s face it, a lot of people tried this plug-in – myself included) get VAC’d?

I doubt they’ll do that. They’ve given a warning and broken the current plugin, then anyone who continues using a fixed version of it will probably be banned.



Quoted from kim

The controversial part was mainly the fact that you were able to bypass -insecure which denied you of joining VAC servers while using unsigned plugins and be able to just build hacks in plugins and use them without getting detected.

DLLs are DLLs, whether they’re loaded through Source’s convenient plugin system or through one of the 100th ways windows allows you to do this is irrelevant.

VAC can and will find every dll loaded (by ‘normal’ means) regardless and take any action Valve wants.

Disallowing usage of this convenient plugin system does not stop hacks in any way. Stop thinking that. Seriously. I know what I’m talking about.

Quoted from Miek

I doubt they’ll do that. They’ve given a warning and broken the current plugin, then anyone who continues using a fixed version of it will probably be banned.

A very good point. Actually a similar occurrence happened in the past with a plugin that allowed execution of LUA scripts client side. This was one of the reasons the plugin block came into existence in the first place. Obviously when it came out people bypassed it (differently than what this plugin does) and people who kept using it got slapped with a VAC ban.

I don’t know if they just put the signature of the lua dll in their database or actually caught the method of bypassing (my bet is the former).


Quoted from herpderp


Tray tools was the wrong word for what I meant, the scaling works the other way too if you look at those obscure gamers that use old school 4:3 CRT’s for some reason, they get less than 90 and are infact crippled :P

I’d like the 110 fov maximum idea, but I don’t see Valve changing anything about the fov anytime soon.

fov_desired 90 on 4:3 results in 90, just sayin’

People on shitty 5:4 tft panels are “crippled” in the sense that they get about 84, which isn’t crippling whatsoever.

the new restricted convar on 2 plus max fov 110 would certainly create a better atmosphere and reduce the need for obscure resolutions


(ETF2L Donator)
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Quoted from grimbar


fov_desired 90 on 4:3 results in 90, just sayin’

People on shitty 5:4 tft panels are “crippled” in the sense that they get about 84, which isn’t crippling whatsoever.

the new restricted convar on 2 plus max fov 110 would certainly create a better atmosphere and reduce the need for obscure resolutions


Until fov_desired limit has been upped over 90, the rule should stay “sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov 0”


i still dont understand why valve dont make tf2 more customisable using CVARs for everything like this. You can do it all with sourcemod, so its hardly a big enough issue in that respect or they’d block that (if that was possible? I’d assume so).

Why letting the server admin/league choose the server settings is too much to ask for is beyond me.


valve should just give us a FOV changer on a menu which goes to like 110 or summit and also allow picmip to go to 10 or whatever, i mean nothing gives you an advantage its all preferance:

FOV: higher means you can see more but you have to aim at much smaller targets

picmip: the higher it is the smoother every thing looks and the lower it is the easier it is to pick out character models from the background

it just allows people to change the settings to their playstaye/preferance. look at quake for example, pro’s use from fov 95 to 115 and no one has a unfair advantge



go play quake if you want fov >90 and picmip 10



Quoted from DarkSlayer

it just allows people to change the settings to their playstaye/preferance. look at quake for example, pro’s use from fov 95 to 115 and no one has a unfair advantge

And you can adjust your zoom level and zoom sensitivity with a lot of margin
No unfair advantage either.



Quoted from Flaoua


And you can adjust your zoom level and zoom sensitivity with a lot of margin
No unfair advantage either.

[dumb argument]if everyone can do it how can it be a unfair advantage[/dumb argument] :D


Quoted from Flaoua


And you can adjust your zoom level and zoom sensitivity with a lot of margin
No unfair advantage either.

Just a simple matter of making it so you only can change it before joining a server.



Quoted from Deux

Just a simple matter of making it so you only can change it before joining a server.


Sad thing is that Valve listens when it comes to fixing something (after making an almost cheat plugin to shock them) but not proposing a new improvement on the other hand.

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