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Transparent Viewmodels/FOV Changer (Client Plugin)

Created 31st December 2011 @ 00:35

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Quoted from Become

And is just like the massive duck-jump script (or whatever it was called) which gave you an advantage using commands that were available to everybody. This was banned by ETF2L, so please admins, come to your senses and ban this one as well.

And this is enforceable how?



Sure, we could ban it. But how can we prove that someone used it?



No idea, maybe by watching a demo. If people suddenly react on a flanking scout without being able to have seen him that could be a hint. But I really hope that not (easily) being able to detect is, is an argument for not forbidding it.
The point is, that ETF2L will give a signal it’s not allowed and that will (I hope) stop the majority from using it during the league.


Quoted from Become

No idea, maybe by watching a demo. If people suddenly react on a flanking scout without being able to have seen him that could be a hint. But I really hope that not (easily) being able to detect is, is an argument for not forbidding it.
The point is, that ETF2L will give a signal it’s not allowed and that will (I hope) stop the majority from using it during the league.

You can’t even know what the real horizontal FOV is as you don’t know what someone aspect ratio is anyway.



Quoted from CanFo

Sure, we could ban it. But how can we prove that someone used it?

By using the force of course. This is like using a lightsaber with skid resistant grip.



No idea why people are trying to protect Valve in this situation – If they care about this game at all they’ll most likely fix it. I’m not sure if you are aware, but you can easily get the fov wallhack by changing your aspect ratio (as seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkv7imlV8EY) anyway. Detecting it also isn’t as easy as you make it sound – you’d have to check every single pov demo of the team to make sure the enemy wasn’t called and during that make sure their camera didn’t bug out when they died. Since Valve doesn’t seem to respond to anything other than problems regarding hats the only way to force a reaction seems to be to make this open to everybody.



Quoted from octochris


Why should he be banned? It’s blatantly obvious that this is the way to do it (it’s only bit flipping, it’s not exactly a complex operation).

It also appears to be invalid, probably something like this is desired instead:

ConVar* r_drawothermodels = g_pCvar->FindVar( "r_drawothermodels" );
if(r_drawothermodels & FCVAR_CHEAT)
    r_drawothermodels->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_CHEAT;

Should I ban myself now? I don’t see anything wrong with anything in this thread. It is Valve’s fault for allowing such a gaping hole in their game, and then not caring about it when it’s exploited. Either everyone knows, or it becomes a privelege to become enlightened about this — I’d much rather the former, the latter is no good.

To the people saying that this is the fault of the people programming the plugin(s), it isn’t. This is completely Valve’s fault.

Here are a few goodies that should work:

– Disable replication of sv_cheats
ConVar* sv_cheats = g_pCVar->FindVar("sv_cheats");
if(sv_cheats & FCVAR_REPLICATED)
    sv_cheats->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_REPLICATED;

– Disable replication of host_timescale
ConVar* host_timescale = g_pCVar->FindVar("host_timescale");
if(host_timescale & FCVAR_REPLICATED)
    host_timescale->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_REPLICATED;

I didn’t mean he should be banned for that post, I meant that he’s the guy that made hacks for quite a few people in the league that are banned, and it just doesn’t seem logical to let him post whatever he wants around the forums haha.

Although you saying it’s Valve’s fault and therefore your spoonfeeding is okay is rather stupid. Sure they should care more and reply to emails etc. but you sound like a bitter idiot that’s trying to get back at them by trying to make people attempt to cheat, or something. Just because an exploit is there, it doesn’t mean an AC admin of all people should tell everyone about it.



Quoted from konr

Although you saying it’s Valve’s fault and therefore your spoonfeeding is okay is rather stupid. Sure they should care more and reply to emails etc. but you sound like a bitter idiot that’s trying to get back at them by trying to make people attempt to cheat, or something. Just because an exploit is there, it doesn’t mean an AC admin of all people should tell everyone about it.

The thing is, it’s essentially unprovable and thus being responsible for AC he can’t really do anything about it. There could have always been people who have been using plugins like these without anyone knowing. If nobody can get into direct contact with Valve, how else are we going to have it fixed?



The AC team catches people with VAC undetectable WH, everyone laughs at the hacker. There’s a pluging that can be changed to (maybe) VAC undetectable WH, everyone goes apeshit. Why?



Quoted from kim

[…]The thing is, it’s essentially unprovable and thus being responsible for AC he can’t really do anything about it. There could have always been people who have been using plugins like these without anyone knowing. If nobody can get into direct contact with Valve, how else are we going to have it fixed?

I didn’t say he should stop it from happening, I said that it’s no reason to tell everyone how to do it themselves.



Why so many whiners. You can increase your fov, without getting a plugin like this, it’s in the game, why not then?

I don’t use it, and I still have my fov set to 90. I don’t use transparent viewmodel, only for fun because r_drawviewmodel 0 is better. The only thing which is really usefull, is the mat_picmip thing.

Anyway, I’m maybe an Oldfag, or whatever but I play the game as Valve gave it to us. I don’t even use a crouchscript.

If valve want to fix this. They’ll do.


Quoted from kim

[…]The thing is, it’s essentially unprovable and thus being responsible for AC he can’t really do anything about it. There could have always been people who have been using plugins like these without anyone knowing. If nobody can get into direct contact with Valve, how else are we going to have it fixed?

The email I sent in August about the FOV wallhack exploit finally got answered today. Will see what they want to do, but it seems unlikely that they will remove the client side plugin support due to PREC.


they should implement the prec shit in game already and get it over with



Quoted from AnimaL

they should implement the prec shit in game already and get it over with

I think they tried to cover that with replay system



Shouldnt be so hard as to fix the clipping problem with fov/aspect ratio’s.. I mean this is something you can simply reproduce and fix in the code. I hope they don’t remove the ability to set a different fov or the transperant weapon models. I am not using it yet, cuz I don’t want a VAC ban, but I really want it..

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