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Competitive CTF

Created 25th December 2011 @ 21:34

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Quoted from Crasp

I’m not sure if it’s even possible to turn that into a competitive ctf match, since it involves a lot of hurtme’s and maybe rocket/sticky jumpers – players would need to do minimal damage to themselves and a huge amount of damage to each other. It would have to be demo & soldier only, stickies would need some sort of time limit, at least one decent jumpy ctf map would need to be made. It sounds like a lot of work to make what appears to be a quakelike.

Having said that, if it is possible it would be cool.

Simple: No self dmg for rocket launcher / sticky launcher. (can be tweaked as needed for example, this restriction not apply when your rocket inflicts dmg to someone else then yourself).

This sounds rather familiar… unban jumpers!


well as people said, it needs speed. i doubt even that kind of trick jumping would suffice Atmo


One issue I did come up with was that projectiles have 0% speed inheritance. So while it allows you do to cool trick jumps, it also means that if the flag carrier is travelling faster than a rocket (not hard) then they can only be killed by hitscan.

Just tested out gunboats a bit on turbine… was able to make it to the intel in 15 seconds from spawn (same speed as a scout) with 126 hp from 300 hp. I’m not very good at jumping and it’s not a very jump friendly map (low ceilings and lots of pillars to clip on on the walls) so I think that’s an OK result.

Last edited by atmo,


TF2 is too slow. The only way it will possibly work if it gets a somekind of promod(e). There is a decent mod. I guess it’s called tf2 classic. It brings bunnyhoping, nades and more health (instead of armor) back to tf series. The question is why do you want to play the game which is balanced for fkn payload in a ctf mode if you can play qwtf, tfc, fortressforever, tribes or something even more actionpacked like cpma. You know, those kind of games that were created for ctf?

Basically ctf is way more quicker and the whole tf2 concept pretty much denies any decent ctf matches. To play an interesting ctf in tf2 we should incorporate mods, changedelete uber mechaniks, instarespawn and new maps.



I would like to see a CTF map that doesn’t have intel in a tiny, closed, and easily camped space (see: 2fort, turbine, doublecross, sawmill). A map that has a semi-open/open flag room that won’t reward turtling, and would hopefully promote flowing, exciting play.

Also you could do all those crazy quake 3 jumps with rocket/sticky jumper because that’s basically all I care about in CTF.


Problem of turtling can be solved by allowing only kritz (wonder if it’s even possible), disallowing engi and putting classlimits on every other utilities to 1, in my opinion. Also, new maps are indeed needed.



CTF maps should have no self damage so sollys and demos could do rollouts and lines around the map constantly for faster flow of gameplay.

So that it wasn’t imbalanced for scouts I would say these classes can only be buffed by 25%-30% instead of 50%.

Also sentry turrets would have knockback removed and only do 75% damage.



Why playing tf2 then ? If we change all the rules, we’d better play another game like quake or tfc. I assume this whole discussion is pointless.

Last edited by Kawuet,

I think the main reason is that the cannon TF2 gameplay is to centered around CP map design. You should experiment with spawn times, perhaps allowing unlocks such as bonk and gunboats only for CTF-maps? Ban engineer and heavy? Only allow kritz? 3 scouts?!?!
Why is this never a subject?

A point was brought up about the intel location, and I have yet to see a map with a intel location that rewards fast and action packed gameplay. Name one CTF map up to standards with granlands etc.

I think its possible to incorporate CTF into TF2, without promod and trickjumps. Just need some thinking out of the box!


someone said something about hitscan – i think thats also part of the reason. hitscan didnt work and was subsequently taken out of the new tribes, which is much, much faster than tf2. TF2 has hitscan -and- is pretty slow, so good map design wouldn’t help much

Wolf :D


Quoted from Dummy

someone said something about hitscan – i think thats also part of the reason. hitscan didnt work and was subsequently taken out of the new tribes, which is much, much faster than tf2. TF2 has hitscan -and- is pretty slow, so good map design wouldn’t help much

uh i swear theres an assault rifle thats hitscan?



Quoted from Wolf :D


uh i swear theres an assault rifle thats hitscan?

got changed to use projectiles, i think.


Quoted from octochris


got changed to use projectiles, i think.



new tribes is shit anyway
quake 3 movement sux btw without any mods

If you want ctf in tf enviroment play fortress forever as the most modern shit. For older shit take tfc or even better qwtf. May be through qwtf you will come to the best fps mp game which is quakeworld.

If you want ctf in tf2 you need mods so technically it won’t be tf2 anymore anyway.


Fe |

turbine, remove roof, huge skybox, no engineers = awesome ctf

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