A Painful Introspective
Created 19th December 2011 @ 01:10
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What the fuck did I just read.
Also why should we put a ton of effort for pub players to come into the comp when everyone I know made a team themselves and put a bit of work into learning the game? It’s not a difficult game, it’s simple regardless of what people try and say to make the game seem ‘pro’. There’s so many things wrong with your post crashsite but I’m on my iPhone (namedrop) and can’t post a wall of text. Turbotabs pretty much summed it up though.
Edit: also funny YOU talking about how the scene is full of arrogant, bind spamming assholes. Err, you are one of the biggest I’ve had the pleasure of playing against (apart from pikachu)
Last edited by rtan,
Looks like someones mad
i do feel that people who need hand holding to get into competitive tf2 — the most easy to get into competitive scene i know of — will almost definitely have a steadily waning interest the moment that that hand holding goes away.
cool story btw
You’re all way too harsh IMO. Regarding Prem players – all I’d ask of these guys is that they just keep playing. Where do you think they have the time to: PCW/Map tactics/MGE as well as then making time for mentoring, new map testing, article writing etc. Some people do have other commitments in life to attend to. They need to focus on just playing and keeping their teams together, for the game to thrive.
I would ask that prem players conduct themselves a bit better in streamed/STV matches though, having frankly offensive steam names (dunc in recent playoff final) and typing shit while waiting for respawn is really pathetic.
From my POV, all I really focus on is my team, keeping it together (recruiting etc), ensuring we improve and making sure everyone conducts themselves admirably (If anyone with our tag spams binds/shit talks please let me know!)
If that makes me insular and selfish, so be it. I do feel like I put quite a lot into the game – but I don’t have a great deal of time between working full time and studying for a Masters, everyone has different circumstances.
Last edited by Trane,
I rarely see any actual prem, or even div1, players saying anything negative or being negative.
Just wanted to point that out, its mostly div2/3 guys who think they’re prem talking shit about fellow div2/3 players.
Crashsite; WHY did you post this? Everything you posted just comes across as an attempt to stir up some drama in the off-season, most of it is illogical and silly and you’re pointing fingers at the wrong people everywhere.
also, anyone who thinks comp. tf2 is hard to get into is dumb. It’s so easy, i joined a random public server, stuck around for a while, hung out on their mumble then noticed they played comp, watched them play a few times then eventually went to lan with the community and afterwards asked to join their team.
i imagine most people have a simpler story than mine, too, try asking people who also play other comp games how difficult it is to get into those (cod, css, lol, dota)
IMO everyone should shut up and play some videogaymes.
Quoted from Trane
Regarding Prem players – all I’d ask of these guys is that they just keep playing. Where do you think they have the time to: PCW/Map tactics/MGE as well as then making time for mentoring, new map testing, article writing etc. Some people do have other commitments in life to attend to. They need to focus on just playing and keeping their teams together, for the game to thrive.
How do prem players differ from any other players? Players from div 6-1 will all pcw/map tactics/mge/mentor/write articles etc as well.
Quoted from lolage
How do prem players differ from any other players? Players from div 6-1 will all pcw/map tactics/mge/mentor/write articles etc as well.
Personally I think people just need to stop laying the blame on certain community members i.e. prem players for the various failures of TF2. We live as community, if it happens, we die as a community. People need to take a step back and think, “what have I done for the community?” before they blame anyone else.
On a side note, I can’t remember who said this but in the end TF2 is never going to be of the same caliber as say Starcraft with its worldwide tournaments. As soon as people acknowledge this fact and remember why we play the game in this formant, hint hint its because its fun, the better we can be as a community.
Quoted from TurboTabs
No one will want to read this but…
Summed up some of these quotes for length sake…
Quoted from TurboTabs
So you’re saying that not a SINGLE community or audience bases negative opinion on a cartoon first person shooter released in 2007 that profits on people purchasing in-game items with real disposable income. Rather silly thing to say.
I agree I was being rather liberal about my claims, but it is largely true. A lot of other communities do see TF2 as a bit of a joke.
Quoted from TurboTabs
Isn’t this typical with any competitive scene whatsoever? Shame we have to think of it as a “One bad apple spoils the bunch”- sort of thing..
I suppose you are right in a sense though.. but It would be incredibly difficult to exile this kind of behave no matter how much moderation/rules introduced and I don’t think it would be well worth the effort to what I think is quite trivial. All we can do is encourage teams to be nice and get treated nicely; be a dick and get dicked.
It is not everyone. But the problem is you are seeing it more and more. It implies it is growing and therefore is a problem.
Quoted from TurboTabs
Can’t the community start thinking of default dates as such.
I agree that teams need to schedule their games on time, on the other hand they should grow up and just do it. We shouldn’t have to threaten them to act like adults.
Quoted from TurboTabs
# There is a feedback forum on which you can comment on the admins and hopefully admins to note and improve upon
# They have access to only volunteered time of willing people
Yes, but volunteering you time does not make you good at your job. As I said it the OP, I respect them for giving their time, but there have been some mistakes and mismanagement, with some of it still around.
Quoted from TurboTabs
How is it killing us right now? I don’t think we are slowly declining because we are not establishing e-sport status. I think the reason is a lot more complex than that… or that tf2 is getting old and all these new fresh games are replacing tf2 as the current flavour of gamers.
It keeps TF2 in isolation. It is hard to get sponsors and LANs when the only league that is used is a community one. No LANs and sponsors means less publicity, means less people. There are some other reasons, but these are the ones we can control.
Quoted from TurboTabs
Besides. If we did have a e-sports status and motivated community; sure we would see huge growth but that would also see sharp declines of activity when a new fps with a slight competitive multi-player attached to it came out. People would follow where the money goes and that usually stays on a giant of it’s genre/style (CSS) and the newest game of said genre (COD).
Now who is making wild assumptions based on no evidence. If we can establish TF2 much like CS 1.6 we can get steady numbers, it will never be as big, but we can sustain ourselves.
Quoted from TurboTabs
I feel etf2l was crucial and IS still crucial because IT IS Comp (euro) TF2. It’s for the people, to the people and from the people who think this game is fun to play and win (perhaps even lose for some of you out there :D). It can’t change its agenda, drop us or anything like that easily like cadred or esl or any other league that has other investments.
That is our choice. We could have chosen to play in ESL and write for Cadred. We have chosen ETF2L and we could change that so easily.
Quoted from TurboTabs
If prem players would rather do other things then play a cup and let them. If they want to call it shit for whatever reason; let them be heard. If it’s something stupid like “NO OTHER PREM TEAMS” then ignore them.
No, as it is a problem. We are too small a community to have infighting, so if Prem players feel that they don’t have a voice, i want them to come forward and help. If no one helped then TF2 would be dead right now, I wish that Prem could lead the way.
Quoted from TurboTabs
Fuck me we fixed this! We made a public vote and have a map discussion threads for people to voice their points, arguments and views. Admins aren’t even part of it this any more.
Quoted from TurboTabs
A google search leads me to believe that this doesn’t exist. Ad-least not on the internet.
It exists, it means people feel that other people should do things for them because it is hard and they feel they can’t do it for themselves.
Quoted from TurboTabs
Have you heard of the term “You get what you put in”? Just let that take effect and quit whining about how people are whining.
So we just let things carry on as they are? If you can change peoples opinions and make the TF2 community better, why in hell would I not try?
Quoted from TurboTabs
Please don’t see the prem players as arrogant because they don’t contribute to EVERY CAUSE. They are allowed to do what they see fit. If they complain about something that they could directly prevent, i guess they only have themselves to blame
I didn’t say Prem players were arrogant. I said that one comment was, and I stick by that. Your solution seems to be: fuck it, it is what it is. This is the type of thing I am trying to show as being bad, this lethargic sense that nothing can change.
Quoted from TurboTabs
I’m fine with the way things are at the moment (big picture wise) and maybe people agree with me. I never read cadred for tf2 coverage, I don’t want my hobby or interest to feel like a second job and I’m pretty cool with the i-series LANs that happen 3 times a year as it seems like it consolidates a lot of the community into one place at regular enough intervals for my free time of the year and my savings, instead of say for example.. the fighting community where theres like 2352345 events where maybe 2 or 3 of them aren’t complete wank. Perhaps everyone just didn’t help not because it fits there interests but their lazy. But that not everyone cared.
I am not asking everyone to write for Cadred, on the other hand simply commenting on an article would help and I don’t think it would make TF2 feel like a second job. Why would i-series still want us? If we have no sponsors and declining players, they ave every right to drop us. Again it is this laziness that I hate. Everything is ok as it is, it isn’t.
Quoted from TurboTabs
I think the fact that I think there is a time and a place. It seemed like regular harmless banter really and it’s funny to listen to. Most people try not to take it to heart because people enjoy a good laugh at themselves and each other every once and a while. Take Greg for example; being an excellent sport during all of Djc comments about Infused’s game. Whilst on forums posts, during games and new players posting usually I see a nice warm welcome or friendliness. Sure like i said. There are bad apples but can’t you and all of us follow you’re advise and be supporting and show appreciate towards the good people and ignore the bad people. Rather then attend and bark at the bad people and the bad things constantly.
It is partly just a symtom of a larger issues. The fact that people love to hear shit about others is a worrying sign. It also just reinforces the negativity that people have about the community. Nothing changes and people get worse.
Quoted from TurboTabs
The game has quite a bit of life in it still (years). It’s nice to see you acknowleding people who’ve done some notable things for comp tf2 scene. “I think you need to let go of this tf2 can last forever if we all do stuff we don’t want to do guys” and live with the way things go
Or I could try and make it better and last as long as it can. What the fuck else and I am going to do with my life.
Quoted from TurboTabs
Honestly can people remind me of why we NEED a prize fund for TF2 leagues. All I see it as is a reason outside out “Having fun” to play a video game. I think having people stick around just for the prizes brings in the wrong kind of crowd I want to play with, sure they do bring a little hype to players and give them something to hope for more then their own satisfaction, you can’t spend satisfaction to go LANs to get more satisfaction I suppose. But again; think of the implications like the kind of audience we are attracting..
Sponsers + LANs. Until we go to ESL ETF2L has to start looking for professional to get either of those. I have explain why those two things help. Also LANs are kick ass.
Quoted from TurboTabs
The kind of people that would tactically place dates at the inconvenience of their opponents just to get a cheap win. The kind that wouldn’t give a team a pause break for having a team member disconnect. The kind of people that would extend 2 heavy drama just so they can weasel their way out of a loss. The kind that would turtle out a 7 minute golden cap round rather then make things happen for the spectators.
Again making generalisations with no evidence. We make the community. If have respect for one another, the people who don’t will leave.
Quoted from vani
I have no statistics or stuff like that but Im pretty sure that 2 out of 4 comp players dont play pub that often.[…]
The problem here is that you dont want to get paired up with a 12 year old who can barely focus/understand the game/aim/rocketjump/etc. It is rather frustrating to try and help people out when they act unresponsive. Then again, I suppose volunteers are here to help them. But son, consider an age limit next time or anything similar.[…]
Its by far more fun to seek nonamers who rapes on pub and see if theyre interested in 6v6 than to get assigned with a squad of newcomers. Most of these pubbers or in some cases div6/5 players can go really far with some help.
The first one is just bullshit <3
The second comes down to manning up and dealing with it. Something this community sucks at. It is not the worse thing in the world and every now and again you find someone awesome.
The last one no one does and I did say people should do more.
Quoted from djc
this thread should be retitled “An Effort in Taking Shit Way Too Fucking Seriously, authored by All of TF2’s biggest Spackers” holy shit guys
Love to too <3
You little blight on this community. Come back when you have something intelligent to say.
Quoted from Chicken George
Warning;tl/dr post incoming. You were warned
Thanks for your attention.
I read it all. I am glad the group helped. Are plan is/was to get ppl from the group to make teams together with a mentor being assigned to that team for a Season. Still in the works but I think it would help.
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