Rate hacks
Created 13th December 2011 @ 23:05
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Quoted from kim
what is rate hacking :D
i guess
bind w “+forward;rate 10000”
bind a “+left;rate 20000”
bind d “+right;rate 30000”
something like that
i use bind mouse1 “+shoot;rape 9000”
Last edited by quik,
Quoted from quik
i guess
bind w “+forward;rate 10000”
bind a “+left;rate 20000”
bind d “+right;rate 30000”
something like thati use bind mouse1 “+shoot;rape 9000”
rape hacks
Quoted from quik
i guess
bind w “+forward;rate 10000”
bind a “+left;rate 20000”
bind d “+right;rate 30000”
something like thati use bind mouse1 “+shoot;rape 9000”
from etf2l.cfg:
sv_minrate 20000
sv_maxrate 60000
Raising the minrate should prevent that.
However people can still cap it at their router.
Quoted from Casual
from etf2l.cfg:
sv_minrate 20000
sv_maxrate 60000Raising the minrate should prevent that.
However people can still cap it at their router.
Even minor changes cause this effect, so raising it wouldn’t really help.
It’s not so much the usage that bothers me, as the filthy lies. They could at least have the courtesy to not respond. Some people have indeed shown their true colors.
how would you go about checking this anyway?
just so tack doesn’t get in trouble for his french internet
Quoted from Buffalo Bill
Are you talking about the fake 1 ping or something else?
you remind me of some community server admins that just banned me from their servers for having a fakeping. RATEHACKS BIATCH ._.
I have accidental ratehax, meaning people tend to not get hits on me when they shoot, but at the same time i’ve had soooo many shotgun/scattergun shots do 0 damage when they do a full-on meatshot and they’re covered in blood.
Quoted from Snyyppis
how would you go about checking this anyway?
just so tack doesn’t get in trouble for his french internet
We would not ban without proof. How we would get that proof, I will not disclose.
Bumping for being able to remember to look at this thread again.
Also: It’s not only rates that fuckup hitreg IMO, but of course it helps.
Looking forward to this^
can someone explain what is the effect or rate hack
because i never suspected anyone to use this kind of cfg, and i dont know how it can be useful for anyone …
Last edited by vøid,
Last edited by vøid,
Quoted from ell
It’s not so much the usage that bothers me, as the filthy lies. They could at least have the courtesy to not respond. Some people have indeed shown their true colors.
Holy shit dude, relax it’s just a game.
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