Rate hacks
Created 13th December 2011 @ 23:05
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Looking at how prevalent it has become there is not a chance it hell that it will go unpunished in S11. You might as well drop it now and start learning to dodge. What’s even more pathetic is the shameless lies you get on confrontation. I have what you’re using, I’ve tried it to see what I’m up against and I’m confident this is not what I want for the future of TF2. What about you?
Edit: gj censoring my title, it was mildly offensive at best.
Edit: thanks
Last edited by Crasp,
Are you talking about the fake 1 ping or something else?
I’ve been noticing a lot of people with 1 ping. Presumably with fucked up rates, but I never thought it would improve their performance. Care to explain?
not sure but it might be the binding ur movement keys to different rates which SHOULD obviously get banned :X (same as it was with pistol fire on mwheeel)
Last edited by AnimaL,
not to be a douche but aren’t “fuck off with the rate hacks” and “gtfo” much the same thing
you’re not giving people much of a chance there buddy
i propose a thread title change to “let’s drink soda and laugh and cuddle and try to dissuade you from using rate hacks or gtfo”
Somebody please explain ratehacking, I don’t know what it actually is.
Although, I often get accused of it. In reality, I’m just on virgin media. Can you be sure everyone else isnt?
AC team will consider ratehacks as seriously as wallhacks/aimbots/triggerbots/etc before the start of S11. You have been warned.
Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE
I often get accused of it. In reality, I’m just on virgin media. Can you be sure everyone else isnt?
It’s possible to prove that a person is using ratehacks. Obviously I won’t document how, but it is possible. In fact, it is much more easily provable than any other sort of hack, really.
Last edited by octochris,
Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE
Somebody please explain ratehacking, I don’t know what it actually is.
Although, I often get accused of it. In reality, I’m just on virgin media. Can you be sure everyone else isnt?
nice try.
Well, I noticed this the other day: Pay attention to when enigma and dabes get taken out at 3.28 and 3:35. That’s what it looks like.
I better not go into details about how it works, or every man and his dog will rate hack the scene into orbit.
yeah but americans been capping their upload like for forever
I can’t really see what it looks like, that didn’t seem out of the ordinary to me.
I don’t wanna know how to do it, I just want to know what it actually does? Would it make me warp if I was ratehacking, or give me larger hitboxes, etc?
ps black jelly, obvs
Last edited by MEGAMIDDIE,
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