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#tf.mercs - Easy mercing

Created 11th December 2011 @ 10:43

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(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN


!add soldier scout 3 4 5 maybe?

Not an option since I’m not a div3 scout.



awesome, i love the idea. thanks


Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

maybe add county optional.
dont want to have a sibirian lag merc :)

oh u



So, here is what I am developing in the next version:
– Allow specifying divs per class
– Clear merc after N hours
– Allow specifying range of divs (like !add soldier 1-3)
– Get more stuff into one message so bot feels faster

Any more feature requests?


Quoted from octochris

So, here is what I am developing in the next version:
– Allow specifying divs per class
– Clear merc after N hours
– Allow specifying range of divs (like !add soldier 1-3)
– Get more stuff into one message so bot feels faster

Any more feature requests?

language spoken / country of origin, nobody wants to play with non-europeans etc.

maybe make it mandatory to provide your etf2l profile

Last edited by grimbar,



Quoted from grimbar

language spoken / country of origin, nobody wants to play with non-europeans etc.

Already aware of this request, but from a UX perspective it’s hard to implement. Still looking into the best way to go about it.

Quoted from grimbar

maybe make it mandatory to provide your etf2l profile

Doing anything except for looking to say “this looks a bit like an ETF2L profile” requires me parsing XML, and frankly I’d rather decimate my own face with a cheese grater.



Will be migrating to v1.01 in a couple of hours, fixes a few bugs and makes the bot a lot more speedy replying to queries. Database will be cleared. v1.02 is also nearly ready, I just need to fix a few bugs.



chris is credit to tf2 community



v1.02 is nearly ready, it fixes some bugs and it includes a feature a lot of people asked for: adding/searching divs per class.

New v1.02 syntax is as follows:

To merc: !add class1:divs class2:divs class3:divs
To search: !search class1:divs class2 (divs are optional)

For example:
!add medic:234 sol:6 — this will add you as a medic, divisions 2, 3, 4, and as a soldier, division 6 only.
!search dem:01 sc — this will search for demos in divisions 0 and 1 and scouts in any division.

Please come and test/try to break it, and let me know of any issues!

I also made a group, because I’m silly like that: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tfmercs

Last edited by octochris,



Updated to v1.02, new commands in OP. Also posted it on reddit because I’m down with the kids: http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/n9ich/tfmercs_a_new_channel_for_all_things_mercing/



Fantastic idea, should be useful ;)






command to search for division only?

also love the self over-rating going on already :D where is skill police?

even if you dont implement etf2l profile as a logon type thing you can just set it as a rule to provide it when asked

Last edited by Sketch,



Quoted from Sketch

command to search for division only?

also love the self over-rating going on already :D where is skill police?

even if you dont implement etf2l profile as a logon type thing you can just set it as a rule to provide it when asked

derp, i’m not going to have “rules” for a channel like this. this is a simple merc channel where nobody should have a right to stamp about bullshit authoritarian regalia. if you think someone is overrating themselves, talk to them in private about it like a decent human being.

i guess i will implement !search all:N in the next version. my only concern is flooding since the bot is rate limited by quakenet, but i guess it should be ok.



im not overly concerned about it but it was just a thought. i suppose if someone asks for a profile and the dont get it, then that person probably wont be mercing :p

so it kinda sorts itself.

as for the skill think. i assume most people will find people they know in preference anyway . i didnt think of that :D

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