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So i was just thinking

Created 19th October 2011 @ 21:15

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Just an idea that came to me today, I know some teams do it when they are in a rush but what about pcw’s which last 20 minutes instead? This is just a thought now. I know i will get troll answers and everything but i do wanna hear opinions.
I was thinking about this because playing 20 minutes with 2 teams(non mix teams) in a pcw. Both sides will have tactics and such but what about having time against you as a factor as well as enemies pushing and holding against you. I’m just curious as to what other people’s thoughts are on this so teams actually have to use time properly in-games and not just use it for wasting. Please discuss i actually want to read opinions on this.

Last edited by Josh,


so… instead of playing 4 30min maps per night u want to do 4 20min maps bcs ppl will never be in server on time?!



Set the timelimit to 20 minutes and see, if they stay :D



Quoted from AnimaL

so… instead of playing 4 30min maps per night u want to do 4 20min maps bcs ppl will never be in server on time?!

No, I never mentioned once about people not being in on time. I’m suggesting this to see if people would be able to manage time in-game as well as other things.

Last edited by Josh,



Shorter games don’t discourage time wasting, it’ll still come down to a team deciding if they have a number of rounds lead and a certain time left, is it worth turtling to win.

Having said that, any team who time wastes in a pcw is achieving nothing.

There might be other reasons for having 20 minute games, namely that you could play more vs different opponents and it’d be less boring, but I don’t think it’d promote faster games.

While I don’t think it would promote faster games or anything, it does give more room for those people/players with hamsterpowered computers when the other team is on a tight schedule.



Don’t fix what isn’t broken.

XO -

this has come up like a million times just so you know.To tired to find it on the forums


v. existence

i can’t undrestand
why in tf2 people can’t be in server on time?
in cs 1.6 2 minutes and kick



This has been discussed so many times before… /yawn



Quoted from Kenny

i can’t undrestand
why in tf2 people can’t be in server on time?
in cs 1.6 2 minutes and kick

This, I hated things like this a lot, mainly one of the reasons why I hate TF2 sometimes.

I actually got to the point of kicking a team because they were late and finding another game, only for them to be late also, it’s soo fucking annoying ><


You could also just schedule your practice in advance but what do I know I’m just a hobo

Im all in for mandatory 2-min kick if you cant field enough players when you search.
Would be nice to play four maps a night, and not spending 20 min waiting.


acutually, come to think about it – it would mean 10min less suffering on obscure and gullywash! im all up for this awesome movement!!!


Quoted from grimbar

You could also just schedule your practice in advance but what do I know I’m just a hobo

still happens even with this

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