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Invite from Vital to spec

Created 1st September 2011 @ 18:05

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Its taken some time but we are in a position to now offer this to people / teams looking for stv to watch complete with comms.

We have a 35 slot mumble with the option to increase further if the need comes around. Most nights we will be offering people to option to jump on our mumble listen to our comms (from a relay bot to match stv). Now we are active we will be playing again Sun – Thurs from 20cet. Please respect our privacy and understand some nights we will not be offering the comms and stv this will just be because i wish to have a private evening. Please also remember we are not censored! so anything that may offend you on comms can not be helped we after all have grandma and there will be the use of naughty words.

The whole idea behind this is for div 4 teams and below to get to grips with what tactics we use in maps, how we adapt and also for anyone looking for how we call. I main call in the team and it can give anyone looking to main call in there team and lacking can take from it.

our steam group which i will have the information in is http://steamcommunity.com/groups/vitaltf2
the group will also have nights in there we will not be open although these would be at most once a week if that.

People may add me to steam but i would request only 1 person per team to add me for information as i am only 1 man!
Also people looking for a mentor i am afraid i am busy teams right now but if something comes up in the futre you can register intrest,
If the needs comes up i can join the channel after a game and spend 20minutes with a team answering questions they have but its dependant on my work schedule as i work earlys :)

This is not a thread to flame, my aim from this is to help lower teams improve themselves without the need for a mentor and to take as much as they wish out of our stv and comms.



you’re such a nice guy fish!


I think mordi wants to mentor every single soldier, so add him guys!



Quoted from Fish

This is not a thread to flame my aim




You’re all shit, cept Fish, he carries.


Love teams like this! Same with uV – Group of friends who’ve worked shit out together.
Any team in the lower divs looking to progress should really look at these guys.
Good luck, LADS.


Nice to see more and more people offering insight in top level games. great guys! I will take a look once in a while too :)
If you don`t know this team – trust me – its worth watching them play and hearing their comms. One of the clearest mumble atmospheres i have heard. [from casts]



<3 Fish is awesome.

With his help my team went from winning barely 50% of our games, to pushing into the next Div and winning fairly often.



When I axed for spec + mumble you fags refused me.


Quoted from Ghostface

When I axed for spec + mumble you fags refused me.

and you`re the only one not allowed in this also. CU ON SPIRE


hey grandma


amazing idea. Even we can learn something from them.



ghostface you know we are brothers!

Hey Mustache


Quoted from doks

Nice to see more and more people offering insight in top level games. great guys! I will take a look once in a while too :)
If you don`t know this team – trust me – its worth watching them play and hearing their comms. One of the clearest mumble atmospheres i have heard. [from casts]

from casts :(



erectus please dont reply to forums you make our team look bad.

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