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Low LOD / Picmip for TF2 (Nvidia + ATI/AMD)

Created 26th July 2011 @ 10:11

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Quoted from TviQ

Don’t have the ATItraytool.exe running close it or else you wont be able to watch youtube or play games :)



Sorry if this has been answered before but, does this have any effect on the fps (either for better or worse?). Just asking out of curiosity.



its not effecting the fps at all.


Quoted from compleat

Sorry if this has been answered before but, does this have any effect on the fps (either for better or worse?). Just asking out of curiosity.

no impact on fps



I used to get slightly less fps, but the difference was negligible. Haven’t noticed anything now that I switched to nvidia, though.



I have this error with nvidiaInspector :
the application failed to initialize properly (blabla). Click on OK to terminate the application :D
any ideas why?


Quoted from rytis

I have this error with nvidiaInspector :
the application failed to initialize properly (blabla). Click on OK to terminate the application :D
any ideas why?

did you changed xml for higher lod?
if yes use this: http://www.2shared.com/document/1I8CXibm/CustomSettingNames_en-EN.html



Quoted from Sc

did you changed xml for higher lod?
if yes use this: http://www.2shared.com/document/1I8CXibm/CustomSettingNames_en-EN.html

I did paste the thing from the first post,other than that – nothing.
and even before that I couldn’t run it :D


How do I actually change the xml file for higher lod? Tried few things but didn’t work.



Quoted from Septique

How do I actually change the xml file for higher lod? Tried few things but didn’t work.

open with notepad


Yeah did that and didn’t work. I guess there’s something I’m doing wrong here.

Dusty Lens

Tried to launch nvidiainspector, got this error message! Any idea how to fix it?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from slate


you can download this: http://www.sl8.eu/files/nvidia.zip

that’s the Tool chris mentioned and I’ve already added the options to select values higher than 3.

1. Open NvidiaInspector.exe
2. Click the Settings button (middle-right) next to Driver-Version
3. Select Team Fortress 2 in the top left corner
4. Set Texture Filtering – LOD-Bias to 10 or 15 (higher means worse textures)
5. hit “Apply” in the top right corner.

This is also better than the RivaTuner thing, because it only affects Team Fortress and you dont need to change the settings everytime you want to play another game without ridculously bad textures.


EDIT: If you don’t feel like downloading te program off my site

download it here:

RT doesn’t work with newer driver versions (I think it breaks with 2xx). Use NVIDIA Inspector instead, it works with 2xx, and it’s better for stuff like this anyway.


extract it and replace the contents of the CustomSettingNames*.xml
with the one from the paste in the quote below. (line 207-214 have been added, if you want to just add those)

the xml with options for higher LOD-Bias added: http://pastie.org/2274851

you dont need to adjust the xml-file if you downloaded NvidiaInspector from the link in the OP.

Also: NvidiaInspector is for Driver-Versions > 2xx

Dusty Lens

Quoted from Dusty Lens

Tried to launch nvidiainspector, got this error message! Any idea how to fix it?

Fixed it. I had a fresh install of windows xp, forgot to install .net frameworks!



.xml File Replacement

where to install it?

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