Soldier Mentor
Created 15th June 2011 @ 18:49
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Haven’t played soldier in a team for about 6 months and I’ve just gone into one as roamerish thing at div5 level. My dm skills are about there but my gamesense is non-existent and my positioning is pretty bad too. Looking for someone to mentor me (from a higher division of course), up to you how you want to do it, speccing me or going through demos etc; I am your little bitch to do with as you will (no sexual act is too weird). I’m english speaking and online most days in the evenings, pretty easy to get on with, thanks!
I can teach you to rage-pyro when being bad as soldier, deal?
Quoted from Thalash
Dummy, is that why you’re always pyro?
ill stab u
inb4 shoot floor get kill troll.
I can feel myself getting better as I read, this is amazing guys, keep it coming!
Let me elaborate, if you want to improve your positioning, try to ALWAYS keep the height advantage, because you are pretty much fucked without it. Rocketjumping is one of the soldier’s strongest attacks because he can propel himself from point blank into big groups of enemies and do a lot of damage, and for the shooting part, that is pretty self-explanatory
When it comes to roaming, timing is probably one of the most important factors in your success, if you bomb too soon, or too late, you will get little to no team support, and you will most likely die, leaving you useless for some time (surprise) so one thing to take into consideration at all time is, where your teammates are, what they are doing, and how you can assist them in damage, i guess this is pretty basic knowledge, but having empathy, in the sense that you exactly what your teammates are dealing with, will get you pretty far.
So, think about your timing, sometimes wait with rushing in, other times be rash, take chances, but not too many. Consider your teammates position, assist your scouts for some easy kills.
i havent really played actively 6v6 for some time, so my gamesense is a bit rusty aswell, but these were the things i usually considered while playing.
Hope you learned something! :) Read this might help you
its in german Evok :D
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