Need tips for Scout
Created 12th June 2011 @ 15:56
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Quoted from rtan
get a partner thats good
It’s true, all prem players have the exact same settings and the only way you can get to prem is by having the same settings.
Quoted from LikeThis
It’s true, all prem players have the exact same settings and the only way you can get to prem is by having the same settings.
you tried too hard man.
Quoted from rtan
get a scout partner thats good
worked for me
play soldier
oh hai gais i am shit at this game, please give me the settings that make me good at it.
Last edited by Sketch,
at least this helped me hen i started playing scout
Quoted from rtan
get a scout partner thats good
Works, till you leave and realise you’re still div6.
Do a few flick-shots at random things during your rollout. Pick a sensitivity and stick with it. Google ‘muscle memory’.
Also, something that lots of lower div scouts seem to get wrong is that the game is about area control and not so much kills. The kills help, but they aren’t your main goal (in other words: stay alive).
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Use triggerbot. But make sure to never, no matter how much someone tells you they will ban you, admit it.
Stay. Alive. You dont need kills, just dont let the enemy get to where they shouldn’t be.
Look at positioning guides, or find a high div 5 or higher scout to run through where you should be on each point on the main maps.
Call things as much as possible and watch flanks.
Play dm when you are not mixing for aim (there is a thread somewhere that lists a bunch of deathmatch servers (deathmatch is different to dm_store). I heard quad uses a bot map for aiming practice though..
Last edited by dodgydogman,
1. Use a crosshair youre comfortable with (yellow, green, red, white, anything in any shape goes)
2. Try different styles of aiming. D+A to mirror other players movement with small mouse movements or aim entirely on feeling (:D) Imo you should try to let players walk or lead them into your crosshair, and click when they are on it.
3. <- configs, good stuff
4. Realize scout isnt all aim
5. See what Spike said
edit: 6. If youre doing something out of the ordinary, call it. Kinda annoying if you go in alone and expect teammates to follow you etc
Last edited by vani,
My aim isn’t great but this definitely helped a noticeable amount
I’ve always had a good aim in the game but what really helped me was lowering my sense a lot(always played with quite high sens cause of AQ2), to get my aim more consistent and really concentrating on my dodging + movement. I’m playing DM everyday(well almost) and just concentrating on these things. Gamesense is something that comes with experience.
what atmo said
+ no accelerations and that kinda shits on
you can also train to track bots ->
the map:
would not also recommend sens under 20cm for scout.
Yeah, it’s area control and movement
Oh and this thing about “don’t use less than x cm per 360” is entirely subjective (to a point, you want to be moving at most 1 pixel width left and right for a given, tiny mouse movement, but anyway –
Basically, if you can aim with a given sensitivity, and you can aim well and consistently, keep it.
I spent a long time trying to use lower and lower sens (25cm/360 or so) and just couldn’t aim with it, bumped myself back up to 17cm/360, and all’s good. Of course, it can also depend on how you’re moving your mouse, whether it’s more from the wrist or your arm or what, as well as how you grip it…
tl;dr everyone’s different, but try and use -around- 20cm/360 at the least because going -much- faster will start to cause you problems with accuracy, since you’re making smaller and smaller movements, which are harder to reproduce consistently. (Hell, your body isn’t “designed” for tiny movements anyway)
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