Forum - Find all the latest cups!
Created 9th June 2011 @ 01:21
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Recently I’ve had developed a site which utilises an easy-to-use platform that allows you to find all the latest night cups, tournaments and, in the future, LAN events for your favourite games for the next 7 days.
Registration is primarily there for cup hosters to sign up, create their cup site and then begin adding cups either manually or through a feed.
To add cups is really simple and takes only seconds, or if you’re using the feed, simply upload the exporter to your main site directory if using Webspell or modify it to match your site and it will begin adding cups to 1NCups!
There is also a mix me feature for each cup. If you’re available to mix in a cup, fill in your details such as your nickname, weapon and contact details and you’re good to go! People can review who’s listed as available to mix, and then proceed to contact you.
I need as much backing and support as possible, so please get in contact with regular cup hosters and get them signed up! :)
Last edited by 1NCups,
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