How annoying are the new voice files?
Created 6th June 2011 @ 20:48
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Quoted from Sylosin
I predict that Valve turns the classes’ one-liners into some ridiculous system where they actually start holding elaborate conversations with eachother, and you can change what they say by equipping different moods and personalities
Don’t give them ideas
“im flanking their combo” EY I CAN SEE MY BASE FROM HERE! @_@
cl_retardeduselesswankvoices 0
Quoted from Scorch
Don’t give them ideas
I like the way you implied that Valve gives a shit about comp and checks these forums :D
The scout doublejump response is a one-line fix on server’s side, not rocket science.
What really bugs me is the heavy with his new line whenever using something else as Sasha.
Dont they think this will get annoying after a week or so?
Quoted from Sylosin
I predict that Valve turns the classes’ one-liners into some ridiculous system where they actually start holding elaborate conversations with eachother, and you can change what they say by equipping different moods and personalities
epic :D different personalities + 1
Quoted from wpminnows
think i’ll just sneak up on this solI CAN SEE MY BASE FROM HERE
Stop stealing my lines and make me a video.
Quoted from Sylosin
I have a “Thanks” voice bind which I use all the fucking time and the new sounds are kinda lame
how do you do a voice bind? :D
Quoted from rytis
how do you do a voice bind? :D
thanks would be = bind KEY voicemenu 0 1
the first number being the order of voicemenues (z=0 x=1 c=2)
the second number is the actual key you press for the voicecommand – 1 so voicmenu 0 0 = MEDIC! voicemenu 1 1 = spy! etc.
Quoted from helberg
thanks would be = bind KEY voicemenu 0 1
the first number being the order of voicemenues (z=0 x=1 c=2)
the second number is the actual key you press for the voicecommand – 1 so voicmenu 0 0 = MEDIC! voicemenu 1 1 = spy! etc.
Quoted from Tehgnarr
wow, is there anything you ladies won’t bitch about?
The game we love gets more and more shit added with every update, yet we’re not allowed to complain?
Last edited by Buffalo Bill,
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