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I dont know about you guys, but ..

Created 23rd May 2011 @ 22:03

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Konr’s actually a very good guy, known him longer then most of you guys have.
He’s been very helpful with pretty much everything and given me great advice.
Give him a break.

Last edited by Lateralus,



Quoted from Lateralus

Konr’s actually a very good guy, known him longer then most of you guys have.
He’s been very helpful with pretty much everything and given me great advice.
Give him a break.

point out the part where people have said he’s a horrible, unhelpful person?


that scout can’t dodge for shit that’s for sure


and if you seriously think it’s funny to troll the ac admins with videos that make you look like ur hacking on purpose, you should fucking get banned :D

kids these days


Quoted from flushy


point out the part where people have said he’s a horrible, unhelpful person?

I didn’t say that, it’s just that i don’t think he deserves the shit everyone gives him.



I don’t get it. Someone pretended to be hacking and people are jumping on the admins for calling hacks? Do you want the police to turf admitted murderers onto the street as well?



whether or not the clip is hacking, the guy is still avoiding an etf2l ban.



Quoted from Ghent

whether or not the clip is hacking, the guy is still avoiding an etf2l ban.

Actually the banned account isn’t his originally, >) is his first account

Last edited by Permzilla,






Just simply bann and get on. Pretending to be hacking, or plain hacking to me is the same. If you want to make believe you are hacking, then the admins should make you believe you cant play etf2l for few seasons.. kthnxbai



Quoted from kaidus

I don’t get it.

I do not get it either. Are you all saying that someone has cheated on his own dedi/manipulated the whole thing to look like a cheat/did whatever else to simply make an ac admin’s life harder or that he actually cheated but an ac admin (I guess it was konr in this case) did not assume it was a cheat? And in the former case, why do people have to make their miserable, lonely lives even more pathetic?

In whichever case, why the fuck does this thread has seven pages already and why is this not getting moderated and shut down for the sake of keeping this place in one piece?

Quoted from Ghostface

This thread can be considered the icing on the cake of tf2isdead threads.

Also, why people cannot acknowledge that this guy is so right?

Last edited by freshmeatt,


Quoted from freshmeatt

Also, why people cannot acknowledge that this guy is so right?




Bro, coming from a person who can’t make the difference between two simple things, it’s not that bad. I almost felt insulted, though, so here, have a waffle for trying: (#)

Better luck next time.



Guy’s I’ve got a really good idea.

I don’t really like the lion down at my local zoo. There’s no real reason for it, just a lot of other people don’t like it either. So bassically, I had this idea, I’m going to go down their tomorow and start shouting at it and see if it does anything. I’m sure it won’t do anything, but It’ll piss it off and it’ll probably be pretty funny too.

If it still doesn’t do anything, I’m going to jump into its cage and shout right at its face. Again, it still probably won’t do anything (it’s pretty well trained). But regardless it’ll get even more pissed off and its going to be fucking hilarious. Everyone will be laughing and it’ll be totally awesome.

Next, if it STILL doesn’t do anything, i’m going to get a base ball bat, and repeatedly batter it over the head. Isn’t that just going to be fucking hilarious? The thing is going to be fucking raging, but man, it’ll be so fucking funny.

Then it’ll probably bite my hand off. Now personally, I’m going to act totally fucking surprised and outraged. Because that’ll be fucking hilarous. We’ll all get a big rally going to have that dangerous Animal put down, shit’s going to cash.

Tell you what though, the zoo’s pretty boring without a lion.

Grow up.

Last edited by Skyride,


Wait, what is this thread about now?
Konr, ghostface or some guy not being banned with alt accounts?

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