Need Demo Mentor, please.
Created 18th May 2011 @ 14:57
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Yeah, well I’d love to get a mentor. I can’t seem to get rid of certain mistakes I do and I hope that someone smashing my face into them kinda helps. ;)
Add me on steam or something if you have some time.
PS. My team’s calls are in German, so, if you can actually speak German, that would be a plus in my opinion, its not necessary though.
I will teach you of the needed agility, aptitude and wit to get by as the most heavily over powered class in any game ever. You must be willing to halt sleep for weeks, to play until your arms burn – your eyes bleed and you begin to question your very existence, you will cry In horror and agony when any one ever utters the name of team fortress to you, only then when you have lost everything can you control everything.
Last edited by Swarlz,
Quoted from Swarlz
I will teach you of the needed agility, aptitude and wit to get by as the most heavily over powered class in any game ever. You must be willing to halt sleep for weeks, to play until your arms burn – your eyes bleed and you begin to question your very existence, you will cry In horror and agony when any one ever utters the name of team fortress to you, only then when you have lost everything can you control everything.
So what’s the catch?
im your man!
I may help if it will be something i know.
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