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Okay, again about netsettings etc...

Created 19th January 2009 @ 21:16

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During our latest pcw I noticed I got pretty bad hit detection. I checked my net_graph and saw that in an empty environment my choke was about 10 and rose to about 50 in a battle.

This are my current netsettings:
rate 30000
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_updaterate 66
cl_interp 0.033
cl_interp_ratio 1

I then tried cl_interp 0.1 (default value). It became better with around 1 in empty env. but still around 15 during a battle.

Generally I’d like 0 choke in every situation. How do I do that?
Note: I once tried playing with 20000/50/50/0.04/1 and the enemies became pretty laggy.

Internet speed:

Vienna, Austria (my homecountry): http://www.speedtest.net/result/389549437.png
Amsterdam, NL (warserver is located there): http://www.speedtest.net/result/391847636.png

Ping on warserver is pretty fine usually (~60-70)
fps usually are ~50-70 (fps_max 75)



Not sure, but i think cl_interp should be “1/cl_updaterate”, in your case it should be “1/66” which would be 0.0152


50 choke in battle – get another interweb provider…

usualy is not more than 15… i got like 12 max and playing with cl_interp 0.021

its not the settings fault


cl_interp = 2 / cl_updaterate




settings look good tbh

you don’t play on a wifi connection do you?

maybe it’s ur isp ? firewall ?


No its not a wifi connection. I’m connected to a modem or something (never really looked at my network-hardware ;P)

Lowering cl_updaterate for reducing choke should help, is that correct?


increasing it will help… eg 0.1 and not 0.01

but best thing is just to lower cmdrate and updaterate

if lerp in net_graph 1 goes orange, increase cl_interp or cl_updatarate or hit detection will suffer


Relentless, i have similar problems(and every dmg. player) – loss 5-20, choke 20-90 and the reason is ISP. Tried different ways to lower loss/choke – no effect. It’s very sad situation when you shoot rocket but it don’t explode :(
Internet quality in Russia is shitty(except may be Moscow) but dunno about your country :/


Yeah Internet sucks ;/

But probably the best thing to do is to forget about it and just play :)


You could phone your ISP and ask them about it ofc


what about the interp ratio?
I used to put it on 2


interp_ratio just sets a multiplier for interp.

So cl_interp 0.05 and cl_interp_ratio 1 is the same as cl_interp 0.025 and cl_interp_ratio 2.

ETF2L Config limits interp_ratio to 1.5



cl_interp_ratio/cl_updaterate = MINIMAL cl_interp POSSIBLE


Its the same thing described in another way…


Only the cl_interp value is taken in account for interpolation. Cl_interp_ratio was first mean to replace cl_interp on CSS. You had to calculate the interp with cl_interp_ratio. They removed cl_interp when they added it. Then, on TF2, they kept cl_interp_ratio and put back cl_interp, which now set the interpolation time.

cl_interp_ratio is like useless now. It’s just limiting your cl_interp. It doesn’t affect the interpolation time. It affects the cl_interp (by setting a minimum), which affects the interpolation time.

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