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Feedback for Valve?

Created 3rd May 2008 @ 00:25

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– max fov 110
– block shadows through walls (or make cvar server side that doesn’t allow shadows)
– remove those fking holes and other splash obstacles on some places (badlands midd noob ftw)
– Give extra point when you force a med to use uber (maybe hard to do :D )
– radar cs like to see only your teammates (yes, point the finger at me o/)

For finish make a coatch Spectator mod : you join server, then join a team and choose the “Spectator” class. So you can coatch or just Watch your team only, without ghosting.

And FU all, i just saw that was a fking old thread. i feel realy bad.

Last edited by kna,



Quoted from ondkaja

Make pipe damage constant

its constant, but it depends on where you hit the opponent.


. discovered the edit feature…

Last edited by kna,



Quoted from Carlos Kaiser

Invisible players bug, 5 years in the game, still not fixed.



Quoted from ash


its constant, but it depends on where you hit the opponent.

no it’s not
there’s still damage spread in tf2
edit: actually it seems you’re right, I never knew that
edit again: I tested it and it seems the tf2wiki thing is wrong, I shot at the exact same place from the exact same positions and got damage from 99-104 so I guess it doesn’t work like that

Last edited by Starkie,



Yes, there is a very small damage spread, but I am not sure if its actually spread or you just hitting a SLIGHTLY different point on the opponent model.

The main damage difference is based on the hitboxes though.

Either way, yes to no damage spread when hitting the same point on the model. :)



Quoted from kna

– Give extra point when you force a med to use uber (maybe hard to do :D )
– radar cs like to see only your teammates (yes, point the finger at me o/)




Quoted from ash

Yes, there is a very small damage spread, but I am not sure if its actually spread or you just hitting a SLIGHTLY different point on the opponent model.

The main damage difference is based on the hitboxes though.

Either way, yes to no damage spread when hitting the same point on the model. :)

There’s a slight randomness in the damage of pipes, but it’s the difference between a soldier taking two or three pipes to die on 200 hp.


Remove random crits from the game so I don’t have to whine when someone kills me with random crits



headshots are 1 shot kill. GO.



At first I was getting mad at the OP for suggesting stupid ideas. Then I saw the post date. So I’ll help with recent ideas:

Quoted from Carlos Kaiser

Invisible players bug, 5 years in the game, still not fixed.

Not all bugs are a simple fix away. I get the feeling the Valve devs have some ideas as to how this happens but fixing it requires too much effort (as in, requiring major areas to be recoded to fix this).

Quoted from Bonus

Better optimized hats. Thanks.

Valid. But not an easy fix either. Nobody likes going over everyone else’s hats adding LODs (it’s a very boring process). Another side-effect: Adding LODs increases memory usage for players running everything in high detail models but decreases memory usage for low detail (this can be an issue if tf2 hits the theoretical 4gb memory limit for 32 bit programs although it shouldn’t be anywhere near that yet).

Quoted from ondkaja

Make pipe damage constant

Oh god this. Direct hit explosives should do a constant damage. Not 98-102 for pipes.

Quoted from kna

– max fov 110


– block shadows through walls (or make cvar server side that doesn’t allow shadows)

Easy fix: kill high quality shadows, Hard fix: actually render shit properly so shadows don’t show through walls.

– remove those fking holes and other splash obstacles on some places (badlands midd noob ftw)

Shooting through these holes to hit people underneath is a valid tactic. About rocket splash damage and tiny ‘clips’: When a rocket explodes the center of explosion is actually already ‘pushed away’ from the wall a bit. However if the rocket comes at a steep angle then it doesn’t matter all that much. Valve should just offset the explosion perpendicular to the surface that was hit (instead of just going back on the trace).

– Give extra point when you force a med to use uber (maybe hard to do :D )

Please give proper requirements to give out points for this event. For example: “Medic with 60 hp or less uses his uber within 2 seconds after taking damage. Points are awarded to the last person doing damage.”

– radar cs like to see only your teammates (yes, point the finger at me o/)

Uhm why?

For finish make a coatch Spectator mod : you join server, then join a team and choose the “Spectator” class. So you can coatch or just Watch your team only, without ghosting.

This is called SourceTV with delay. Instead ask that they work on improving STV demos instead. Properly interpolate entities depending on who you’re spectating (so you don’t get people aiming way off but still hitting (to the point of generating near perfect POV demos from the server side).



Make pipes always do 99. Cause fuck demos.

Last edited by Koeitje,



Quoted from Casual

This is called SourceTV with delay. Instead ask that they work on improving STV demos instead. Properly interpolate entities depending on who you’re spectating (so you don’t get people aiming way off but still hitting (to the point of generating near perfect POV demos from the server side).

I think you missed the point there.

He wants an “Lead in game” class to lead the team live during the match.
Like that tf2 would be 7v7 match (old 6vs6+leaders).

I know that this feature is discussed in CS:GO but for tf2 i think it’s too late.



Quoted from Koeitje

Make pipes always do 99. Cause fuck demos.

Only if an escape plan for demo is implemented. :D


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Quoted from kna

– max fov 110
– block shadows through walls (or make cvar server side that doesn’t allow shadows)

Wouldn’t dblocker fix this, as the plugin makes the server stop sending locational information of players that shouldn’t be visible to the client (so the engine won’t render a playermodel nor a shadow)?

– remove those fking holes and other splash obstacles on some places (badlands midd noob ftw)

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. For instance, there’s this decently popular quake live map where the floor has all these cracks and crevices which eat splash too. Nobody complains about that map.

– Give extra point when you force a med to use uber (maybe hard to do :D )

Aside from the fact that this is practically impossible to realise, points don’t properly reflect ingame performance anyway, so why bother.

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