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TEZC looking to form a team.

Created 29th April 2011 @ 17:09

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Alright guys/girls

Basically I’m looking to start a TF2 squad. Saw the game being played at i42 and though it was fantastic. So after returning I talked it over with the Boss man at TEZC and he said I was free to form a squad. Before I lay down what I’m trying to do, I guess I should tell you a bit about us.

TEZC was born way back in August 2002, a brain child from a guy called Rage, at the time he was playing a UT2004 mod called Deathball.

TEZC went on to become very successful within Deathball winning a couple of official competitions as well as setting a record of unbeaten matches in the ClanBase ladder.

Sadly after a while the mod Deathball starting getting silly, lack of activity and stupid kids/updates messing the game up so rather then killing of the clan we decided to branch into UT2004 normal modes like iCTF etc.

TEZC is still going strong. Been around a good few years with well over 2200 matches played! – We are always adding to the clan, squads/members/ideas so please if your interested in support us post on our forums!

If this is TL;DR it says in a nut shell. We’ve been about since 2002, played over 2200 official matches in different games and still haven’t folded. Our primary squad at the moment i guess would have to be the CSS team. But for those of you that know the game it is full of ragers/cheats/accusers. But we do have SC2 , CoD4 and UT3 teams.

Down to the nitty gritty. Whereas me and my gaming buddy Harold are keen, and enthusiastic to start playing. We’re not really sure where to start. So we’re looking for players and someone who can play and lead the team in game. If some of you are reading this and thinking “You’ve not done your research, you should be able to lead the team in game. Well we’ve tried out best and I’ve studied this guide http://www.ubercharged.net/how-to-play-tf2/the-competitive-tf2-guide/ . But there is no substitute for experience.

What we have is:
• A website
• A Ventrilo server. Willing to switch to Mumble.
• We’ll be more than happy to get a match server
• A Soldier (me) and a Scout (Harold)
• We won’t fold. . . I’m not sure if folding teams if a big problem in TF2, but it is in CSS so I’d like to point out that we’re not going anywhere.

What we’re looking for:
• Another Soldier, a Medic, another Scout and a Demoman.
• One of the previous to have some experience in how to run a team, what the best leagues are.
• A bit of commitment and a good attitude.

Effectively we’re looking for low/med players as we’re just starting out, want to have fun but in a competitive environment. Winning is always a goal though.
If you think this might be for you then drop a post at out website. Tezc.co.uk or add me to steam Coleman777

Thanks for reading.

Last edited by Coleman,


When you get 6 I’ll be happy to meNtor you :)



Most TF2 players/teams will want to use Mumble, not TS3 or Ventrilo, but good luck!

Last edited by Permzilla,


good luck! sounds interesting ;)



Randa, i met you in person at i42. I’m Dan “Anderson”‘s friend.



You can stream previous casts made of numerous different tf2 matchs and would be a great start to actually learn how 6v6 gameplay works.



you that cs guy who was chatting with me ryan poop skyride and quad on G1?

you were a nice guy if you are that guy. if you are not that guy then you are probably a nice guy, but I couldn’t possibly comment as I wouldn’t have met you if you were not that guy.



Aye i’m the CS lout who was with Dan. ^_^ . Didnt hold on to to many names as i was drunk a fair bit. Would remember faces though.

Last edited by Coleman,



um, this low/med shit doesnt exist in tf2, you’re either div6 or div5, div4, etc
gl in search, add me on steam if you wanna merc!

Last edited by Cooler,



There’s a recruitment section http://etf2l.org/recruitment/ by the way.
This isn’t intended as a “you’re doing it wrong” grumble by the way, I just think you might have more success there as that’s typically where people looking for teams go.

Good luck, think I might have spoken to you as well that night : ).



So there is. I met a lot of people at i42. Everyone seem’d like a decent guy. Could an admin move this please :-x



Quoted from Coleman

Randa, i met you in person at i42. I’m Dan “Anderson”‘s friend.

This rings a bell, I think? It might not have been you though. I must’ve asked who on earth you were after you’d been stood talking to us for about 20minutes outside the bar ^_^

Either way, good luck :D should be a fun adventure



Quoted from Nymthae


This rings a bell, I think? It might not have been you though. I must’ve asked who on earth you were after you’d been stood talking to us for about 20minutes outside the bar ^_^

Either way, good luck :D should be a fun adventure

Aye that was me. I got about. Seems i met everyone.


Quoted from Coleman

Randa, i met you in person at i42. I’m Dan “Anderson”‘s friend.

Rofl were you the big one in the hollister polo ?



Quoted from randa


Rofl were you the big one in the hollister polo ?

I still remember randa in his bright blue shirt, looks so sexually charged

Last edited by FIR,

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