Lowering Sensitivity
Created 27th April 2011 @ 14:45
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Quoted from Atty
how the fuck do you guys browse the internet with 400 dpi, it’s so fucking slow
flick shots
someone told me DPI needs to be in a certain relation with the resolution of the screen you use. is this true?
Quoted from xiuxiu
someone told me DPI needs to be in a certain relation with the resolution of the screen you use. is this true?
it’s all about your personal preferences really, feeling, accuracy, speed and the control what you like. Some people just use math between dpi, resolution and other bullshit just to make them selves feel more important and smart.
Quoted from xiuxiu
someone told me DPI needs to be in a certain relation with the resolution of the screen you use. is this true?
Partially true. On games which do not have raw input mouse control you can experience some negative acceleration at high dpi. Basically the mouse cursor controls your crossfire. Every time that cursor hits the edge of your screen it will swap to the other side. If your dpi is too high and your sensitivity too low, on fast movements sometimes the cursor cannot update fast enough. Causing the negative acceleration. (this is my understanding anyway) so it used to benefit you slightly to use a lower dpi. However now with raw input, it doesn’t matter at all.
Tldr. No
Edit. Done on phone. Cba to fix predictive text spelling errors
Also Windows has this cool feature that allows you to set the sensitivity. I think it is under preferences. So it doesn’t matter what dpi you use.
Last edited by Sketch,
Just because some mice can do a very high dpi, does not mean you should upgrade to them for dpi alone. There is a simple formula for approximating how much dpi your mouse actually needs to have to not cause any problems with precision. The ideal is that each input from the mouse turns you just one pixel or less on the game screen. This formula works because the standard CS:S field of view is 90 degrees at a 4:3 aspect resolution. The number of vertical pixels is the second number in your resolution. (like 768 in 1024×768 or 1200 in 1920×1200)
[(Vertical # of pixels at in-game resolution) x 2.667] / (inches needed to make a 180 turn) = (Necessary DPI)
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