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NA vs. EU: My Conclusion

Created 19th April 2011 @ 14:00

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Quoted from N/A


you _will_ get annihilated mate.

I don’t see anyone else having the balls to step up besides redcore. Do you?


Quoted from Psyche


I don’t see anyone else having the balls to step up besides redcore. Do you?

Yeah redcode is steping up.



Redcode gonna get bummed.


Quoted from kaidus

Redcode gonna get bummed.


nobody else had the guts tho


(king of all rollouts)

is it guts or the ability to get 6 players together on a Friday night? :)

edit; lol I don’t understand a calendar

Last edited by numlocked,


Quoted from numlocked

is it guts or the ability to get 6 players together on a Friday night? :)

edit; lol I don’t understand a calendar

ninja edit.

Anyway i don’t care if we win or we loose, this is just a showmatch. If you want to know if eu or usa is better, then go and play a match on lan.

Last edited by longas,


(king of all rollouts)

Quoted from longas


May 22 = sunday

I realised soon after :P but good luck :)


RaWr ::

Quoted from Psyche


I don’t see anyone else having the balls to step up besides redcore. Do you?

Who the fuck is redcore?


ive been watching several na games and i would say their pushes are less cordinated and slower than eu top teams. The na top scene does not only lack basic skill that eu has, but also lack a top end “big” competive side that eu does, therefor has a slower development speed than eu ending up with a lower overall skill level compared to the eu scene.


Quoted from Wiiking

ive been watching several na games and i would say their pushes are less cordinated and slower than eu top teams. The na top scene does not only lack basic skill that eu has, but also lack a top end “big” competive side that eu does, therefor has a slower development speed than eu ending up with a lower overall skill level compared to the eu scene.



Quoted from atmo

australian server, then you’re both fucked equally




Quoted from minimoose

I think the real question is: Why does anyone care?

Just play the gayme and accept that you will never be as good as me.

This really :/

to longas: good luck, I can’t see you guys losing to them but yeah ;]


Quoted from Wiiking

ive been watching several na games and i would say their pushes are less cordinated and slower than eu top teams. The na top scene does not only lack basic skill that eu has, but also lack a top end “big” competive side that eu does, therefor has a slower development speed than eu ending up with a lower overall skill level compared to the eu scene.

Slow? I can’t even tell you how many times in EU both teams are blocked from pushing because they have no idea what to do (stalemates at granary second – mid). In NA we just wipe everyone at mid so our games go faster and we play until 5 caps instead of 6 or 7 like you do. We also don’t have a time limit so we can see which is the best team, not just gay the last point so we can buy more time and win the game (such a shameful way to win just from abusing the time limit).

Lower overall skill? Look at your main league ETF2L and at your divisions. I can say you have more bad teams then we have in NA. We might have a smaller community but we are more united for sure.

Well at least people here in EU aren’t assholes and forfeit matches like they do there. What the american scene will never have, is probably respect for the game itself. I mean we LAN for fun not for money like ESEA does.

Last edited by alfa,


Quoted from alfa


Slow? I can’t even tell you how many times in EU both teams are blocked from pushing because they have no idea what to do (stalemates at granary second – mid). In NA we just wipe everyone at mid so our games go faster and we play until 5 caps instead of 6 or 7 like you do. We also don’t have a time limit so we can see which is the best team, not just gay the last point so we can buy more time and win the game (such a shameful way to win just from abusing the time limit).

Lower overall skill? Look at your main league ETF2L and at your divisions. I can say you have more bad teams then we have in NA. We might have a smaller community but we are more united for sure.

Well at least people here in EU aren’t assholes and forfeit matches like they do there. What the american scene will never have, is probably respect for the game itself. I mean we LAN for fun not for money like ESEA does.

I honestly cannot tell if this is a really good troll or if your really stupid.



this thread is awful. from playing w/ rawr and x6 i find the top levels of both scenes pretty close. the playstyle is a bit different though with american style being a lot more suicide and pick oriented while the eu side relies more on coordinated pushes. not saying this is how it is or one style is better than the other, just my view on things.

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